Saturday, April 29, 2006
4/29/2006 08:58:00 PM
1. British Gutter Anti-Semites: 2. Scandinavian Scum 3. Haaretz wants to fight poverty by having Jews have fewer children! 4. For those trying to write the President of Tel Aviv University about the anti-Israel atrocities there this past week (see ), he has evidently blocked his email address thanks to the many of you who have written him. To reach him now, you need to contact him via his secretary at 5. You know how Mikey Lerner likes to tell everyone about that "ordination ceremony" of his in which three hippies plaed their hands on his head and declared him to be a "rabbi"? Well, in synagogue this past Shabbat, while listening to the Torah Portion, it struck me how closely Mikey's description of his "ordination" resembles the laying of the hands of the Temple priests on a goat before sacrificing it on the altar in the Biblical Temple! 6. Brandeis University was once considered a "Jewish" university, but these days it is filled with leftwing moonbats, jihadniks, and anti-Semites, and regularly plays host to anyone seeking Israel's destruction. This week it opened an "art exhibit" containing anti-Israel "Palestinian art". Here are some details: Voices from Palestine An Art Exhibition of Children's paintings from Aida Refugee Camp, Bethlehem Hussam, 16, from Beit Jibrin, a village destroyed in 1948. He dreams of liberation for Palestine and hopes to become a Nerves Surgeon. Wednesday, April 26th, 5:30pm Goldfarb Library Ibrahim Masri has over ten years of experience working with children and families living in Palestine. He will talk about the political, social, psychological situation and its impact on the Palestinian family in general and the children in particular. Khitam Edelbi worked at "The Early Childhood Resource Center" for 14 years, where she taught drama to kindergarten teachers and children in E.Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza. She will talk about her experiences. For further information, please contact Lior Halperin at 617-592-4166 This was followed by the announcement that Brandeis is to host the producer of the pro-terrorism film "Munich"". Here is the ZOA announcement denouncing Brandeis for that: ZOA CRITICIZES BRANDEIS U. FOR HONORING ANTI-ZIONIST PLAYWRIGHT TONY KUSHNER New York - The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), who includes Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis among its former presidents, criticized Brandeis University for planning to give anti-Zionist playwright Tony Kushner, an honorary doctorate at its commencement on Sunday, May 21, 2006 in the Gosman Sports Center there. Tony Kushner, whose recent screenplay Munich was widely condemned by numerous critics as being grossly inaccurate in ways that were hostile to Israel and inappropriately sympathetic to Palestinian terrorists. The critics include the Wall Street Journals Bret Stephens; Harvards Alan Dershowitz; Columbia Professor and author Samuel Friedman (Jerusalem Post); the New Republics Leon Wieseltier; movie critic and social analyst Michael Medved; former U.S. Holocaust Museum Director Dr. Walter Reich (Washington Post); the New York Times Edward Rothstein; Commentarys Gabe Schoenfeld; Charles Krauthaumer; Variety Magazine and MTVs Kurt Yoder. The anti-media bias organization CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America), for example, stated that in Munich, Kushner repeatedly blamed Israel for supposed ethnic cleaning and dispossession of Palestinians casting the alleged action of denying Palestinians a homeland as the root fo the Arab-Israeli conflict, while disregarding the reality of the Arab worlds rejection of a non-Arab, non-Muslim Jewish homeland in its midst and Israels repeated peace overtures. Only this week on the Charlie Rose Show, Ephrain Halevy, former Director of Mossad, the Israeli secret service, said that Tony Kushners screenplay of the movie Munich had no relation to the truth or the facts. Kushner has also made numerous egregious statements viciously condemning Israel and decrying its very existence. He called Israels founding a mistake, saying it would have been better if Israel never happened. He also condemned Israel for ethnic cleansing and behaving abominably and denounced, the shame of American Jews for failing to denounce Israel. Kushner also deplored the brutal and illegal tactics of the IDF and the deliberate destruction of Palestinian culture and a systematic attempt to destroy the identity of the Palestinian people. He is also on the board of an organization that opposes the security fence, a unified Jerusalem, or military aid to Israel, recommends Norman Finkelsteins notorious anti-Israel, anti-Jewish books, and supports boycotting and divesting from Israel. It is especially painful to think of the anguish this award to the anti-Zionist Kushner would mean to the ardent pro-Israel Zionist Justice Louis Brandeis. He would be horrified having his name associated with such an Israel-hater. We believe that a man who President Franklin Delano Roosevelt regarded as a model of morality, affectionately nicknaming Brandeis Isaiah would consider this award the height of immorality in sullying the good Zionist name of Brandeis. Rabbi Joseph Telushkin wrote in his acclaimed book, Jewish Literacy, (Morrow Books, 1991, pg. 412-413): Shortly before his appointment to the Supreme Court, Brandeis was converted into a passionate and highly involved Zionist. He served as president of the American Zionist Federation, and actively raised funds to further Jewish settlements and cultural life in Palestine. Subsequent to his appointment to the Supreme Court, he resigned from all extra-judicial affiliations except for his Zionist activities. In 1920 he even considered resigning from the Supreme Court to become head of the World Zionist Organization. Brandeis aggressively criticized Jews who expressed fear that support for Zionism would call their loyalty to America into question. Multiple loyalties, he cogently explained, do not necessarily imply mutually exclusive loyalties. A man can be loyal to his family, his city, his state and his country, and need have no fear that these loyalties will conflict. Today, some three quarters of a century later, American Jews still cite Brandeiss formulation to counter accusations that those who work on behalf of Israel are guilty of having dual loyalties. He was an ardent supporter of Zionism, and upon his death, the largest bequest in his will was to the Zionist movement. He was particularly disheartened as were many Jews and non-Jews by the attraction of many secular Jews in the 1930s to communism. The following is a selected list of Tony Kushner quotes: [Israel was] founded in a program that, if you really want to be blunt about it, was ethnic cleansing, and that today is behaving abominably towards the Palestinian people. Yale Israel Review (winter 2005) Ive never been a Zionist. I have a problem with the idea of a Jewish state. It would have been better if it never happened. The New York Sun reporting Kushner comments made at a conference in NY (10/14/02) Kushner: Establishing a state means F****** people over. However, I think that people in the late 20th century or early 21st century having seen the Holocaust, having seen the 20th century and all of its horrors cannot be complacent in the face of that. Haaretz reporter: But you are saying that the very creation of Israel as a Jewish state was not a good idea. Kushner: I think it was a mistake. Haaretz (4/7/04) Zionism aimed as the establishment of a national identity is predicated on a reading of Jewish history and an interpretation of the meaning of Jewish history I dont share. Insofar as Zionism is an idea that the solution to the suffering of the Jewish people was the establishment of a Jewish nation, I think it is not the right answer. Haaretz (4/7/04) I am not a Zionist in case you havent noticed. Kushner cited the shame of American Jews for failing to denounce Israel. Chicago Tribune (4/10/02) The existence of the state of Israel, because of the terrible way that the Palestinian people have been treated, is now in great peril and the world is in peril as a consequence of it. In These Times interview (3/4/02) Israel is a foreign country. I am no more represented by Israel than I am by Italy. Haaretz (4/7/04) The Israeli-built security wall should come down, the homeland for the Palestinians should be built up, with a strictly enforced peace, not enforced by the Israel Defense Forces, but by the United Nations. Baltimore Jewish Times (6/4/04) I deplore the brutal and illegal tactics of the Israeli Defence Forces in the occupied territories. I deplore the occupation, the forced evacuations, the settlements, the refugee camps, the whole shameful history of the dreadful suffering of the Palestinian people; Jews, of all people, with our history of suffering, should refuse to treat our fellow human beings like that. London Times (5/7/02) [Israel is involved in] a deliberate destruction of Palestinian culture and a systematic attempt to destroy the identity of the Palestinian people. New York Sun (10/4/02) To avoid facing up to such atrocity, to sustain the refusal of any Israeli share in culpability, Zionism has produced a long, shameful, and debilitating history of denial... Wrestling with Zion Introduction p.5 In a report that CAMERA released on January 4, 2006 about Tony Kushner they wrote, Kushner sits on the Board of Advisors of the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which advocates divestment and boycott campaigns against Israel. His name appears on JVP letterhead, including on a letter salut[ing] the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) for its move toward divesting from companies that do business with Israel. The letter posted on the JVP Web site not only applauds selective divestment focused on particular companies as proposed by the Presbyterians but says we absolutely reject the accusation that general divestment or boycott campaigns are inherently anti-Semitic. JVP also posted a related statement saying: Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), the largest grassroots Jewish peace group of its kind in the United States, applauds the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) for its recent vote to explore divesting from companies who profit from the harming of innocent people, Palestinian or Israeli. JVPs Web site contains additional examples of its anti-Israel activity as well as press releases denouncing Israel in distorted and unbalanced language. JVP opposes Israels construction of a security barrier in the West Bank, opposes military aid to Israel, opposes a unified Jerusalem, recommends the notorious Norman Finkelsteins books and much more. In a press release published on the occasion of Yasir Arafats death, JVP condemned Israel for not fulfilling his burial wishes, mentioning only briefly that the Palestinian leader was associated with violence. Although Arafat is the father of modern terrorism, with a grisly record that includes the killing of innocent men, women and children in Israel and beyond, his seminal role in this global scourge was omitted. It should be noted that often news stories referring to JVPs involvement in anti-Israel activity makes special mention of Tony Kushner as a member of the Board of Advisors. Tony Kushner is involved with a radical group called, Not In Our Name (NION) that opposes U.S. policy in Palestine. Kushner has been a signer of neon-ads and a member of the Statement Advisory Board. according to a Chicago Sun Times report (10/20/02): The NION group was started and is being run by founders of a New York-based radical group called Refuse & Resist, who are closely tied to the Maoist-inspired Revolutionary Communist Party. NIONs various chapters sponsor demonstrations with extreme anti-Israel themes, such as Tear Down the Israeli Apartheid Wall was the slogan on a banner bearing the NION label and logo. At the same demonstration, Free Palestine marchers carried PLO flags and a banner saying We shall return. An October 7, 2002 story in The New York Sun was headlined Park Peace Protest Is Riddled with Anti-Semitism. It reported on many anti-Israel and anti-Jewish statements at an anti-war demonstration in Central Park sponsored by Not in our Name. ZOA National President Morton Klein, Chairman of the Board Dr. Michael Goldblatt and Chair of the Executive Committee Dr. Alan Mazurek has written to Brandeis President Jehuda Reinharz and Brandeis Board members saying, We are deeply grieved by Brandeis decision to honor Tony Kushner, an anti-Zionist who called Israels establishment a mistake openly stating, I am not a Zionist, while condemning the shame of American Jews for failing to denounce Israel. Should a university named after one of Americas greatest Zionists give an honorary doctorate to such a man as Tony Kushner who said that the world is in peril as a consequence of the terrible way that (Israel) has treated the Palestinian people. Should a Jewish oriented university who professes a love of Israel give honor to Tony Kushner who said, The Israeli built security fence should come down, and who deplores the brutal and illegal tactics of the IDF and who condemned Israel for the deliberate destruction of the Palestinian culture and a systematic attempt to destroy the identity of the Palestinians. Would Justice Louis Brandeis be anything but revolted by your honoring Tony Kushner who sits on the Board of the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which advocates divestment and boycott campaigns against Israel and condemns Israel for not fulfilling the brutal wishes of the arch-terrorist and killer of Jews Yasser Arafat. We are certain that Justice Louis Brandeis would be turning over in his grave if he know this honor was being given to Tony Kushner in the Zionist Justices name. Tony Kushner is in the same league as MIT Professor Noam Chomsky when it comes to hatred of Israel and Israel-bashing. ZOA was surprised by some at Brandeis saying that this award is being given not because of Kushners political views, but because of his artistic accomplishments: Would they support giving a Brandeis honor to David Duke, if Duke was a great playwright? Would they support giving Noam Chomsky a Brandeis honor for his academic work in linguistics, ignoring Chomskys virulent attacks on Israel? Would they support giving Wagner, the great German composer who hated Jews, a Brandeis doctorate? Given Tony Kushners documented record of hateful statements toward Israel and Zionism, we respectfully urge you to reconsider giving Kushner this prestigious honor. Brandeis enjoys the respect of the Jewish and non-Jewish community. We believe following through on this award can only harm its reputation and gives solace, comfort and support to other bashers of the Jewish State of Israel and to those who hate its very existence. Please, Mr. President Reinharz and members of Brandeiss National Board, search your souls, and do whats right and whats moral and what Justice Louis Brandeis would have called on you to do. Rescind this honor to the hater Tony Kushner and stop any further harm to Brandeis' reputation.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
4/27/2006 07:16:00 PM
1. The Nazification of "The Independent" <> "*The Independent <>*" is a leftwing magazine in the UK. When it comes to bashing Israel and baiting Jews, it competes with openly Neo-Nazi rags and Trotskyite papers. The Independent has a long track record of claiming there is some sort of Jewish cabal to control the world. The Harry's Place weblog <>( ) has now collected a number of cover stories run in the Independent promoting its neo-nazi agenda, alongside of which are seen the covers of actual openly nazi magazines. It is hard to tell the difference. Consider the front cover of its latest issue: The story is written by ultra-moonbat Robert Fisk<>, a pro-terror extremist anti-Semite<>. This is not the first time *Independent *showed its swatika character. Consider the cover a few years back announcing that the world is dominated by a "kosher conspiracy" (see below): Earlier, cartoons<>from the *Independent* were entered <>in that Holocuast Denial contest Iran held. <> 2. Corrected (forgive earlier typos): Is Tikkun's Michael Lerner an Orthodox Jew? <> Ok, I admit, this is not the most important news item, but you may nevertheless find it of interest. You know how Michael Lerner, the editor of Tikkun Magazine, claims to be an Orthodox Rabbi? And you know how we have been pointing out that he never graduated from any Rabbinic seminary and was never ordained a Rabbi at all, other than if you believe his claim that three hippies placed their hands on his head and proclaimed him "rabbi", *domini domini domini*? Well, put all that aside for the moment. The question I want to raise is whether Lerner is Orthodox, as he always tells anyone willing to listen. Well, I decided to put the matter to a test. Let me explain. Jewish holidays in Israel, such as Passover or Succot, last one day, but last two days everywhere in the Diaspora under Jewish law. In addition, there is a ten hour time zone gap between Israel and Berkeley, where Lerner lives. I decided to conduct an experiment to see if Lerner is religiously observant, or Orthodox. On Passover, it was the evening after the holiday when I sent Lerner an email inquiry from Israel under a fake name. Let me make this clear: it was no longer holiday in Israel when I sent it out, but was still the first day of the two-day holiday in California. My plan was to see if Lerner would respond to the letter on the second day of the two-day holiday. (Some Reform Jews in the Diaspora only celebrate the first of the two-day holidays.) As it turns out, I was wrong. Lerner responded to the letter when it was still the FIRST day of the two-day holiday! From the timing of the letter, he wrote it even while it was still the first of the two days of "Yom Tov". Now "Yom Tov" or the holiday of Passover is when all work (other than cooking food) is prohibited by Judaism and - specifically - writing and operating electronic equipment is prohibited, including computers. But "Rabbi" Lerner was spending his holiday playing with his computer and conducting correspondence. No doubt his sabbath is spent the same way. Let me emphasize that it is not my place to tell non-religious or non-Orthodox Jews how to spend their holidays or how to live their lives. It is not my business if some Jew wishes to live his life as a secularist and play with his computer on the sabbath or on holidays. Indeed I only mention this matter simply because of the hypocritical gall and outright dishonesty of this buffoon Lerner pretending to be an Orthodox Rabbi. In my letter to Lerner under the false name, I asked him if he would be willing to silence all those questioning his "rabbinic" credentials by agreeing to take a spot quiz in Bible and Talmud. Personally, I am of the opinion that he has never read the Books of the Prophets in the Bible whose "ethics" he likes to cite when he promotes his New Age pro-LSD "liberation theology". He wrote back (while it was still Yom Tov) that he would NOT agree to this and that he had no need to do so because he had been admitted as a member of the California Board of Rabbis. Here are his words: >From : Rabbi Michael Lerner "Absolutely not. They are already sinners spreading *lashon hara (hearsay)*, so there is no possible reason to believe that they would be satisfied by anything. I am a member of the Board of Rabbis of Northern California, which did its own careful assessment of my qualifications as it does with every applicant." Now, as a matter of fact, the California Board of Rabbis does NOT check out anyone's credentials who applies for membership. Membership is automatic and hardly constitutes proof that someone is a Rabbi. A few years back, a friend of mine and I began to register his goldfish as a "Rabbi" in the California Board of Rabbis, to prove the point. But we decided it would tarnish the name of the Board and embarrass the actual Rabbis who are members, so we called the prank off. The above statement by Lerner however does show how thoroughly dishonest he is. In short, Michael Lerner is neither Orthodox nor a Rabbi. We DO know that he is an anti-Semite though, one who claims that Jews themselves are to blame for anti-Semitism! (See this <>for details and this <>.)
4/27/2006 06:20:00 PM
 1. Uncle Jake-ism:
2. Jews for a Second Holocaust: 3. More Peres Sleaze 4. Maybe someday Israel will allow Jews to commit self-defense? 5. Is Tikkun's Michael Lerner an Orthodox Jew? Ok, I admit, this is not the most important news item, but you may nevertheless find it of interest. You know how Michael Lerner, the editor of Tikkun Magazine, claims to be an Orthodox Rabbi? And you know how we have been pointing out that he never graduated from any Rabbinic seminary and was never ordained a Rabbi at all, other than if you believe his claim that three hippies placed their hands on his head and proclaimed him "rabbi", domini domini domini? Well, put all that aside for the moment. The question I want to raise is whether Lerner is Orthodox, as he always tells anyone willing to listen. Well, I decided to put the matter to a test. Let me explain. Jewish holidays in Israel, such as Passover or Succot, last one day, but last two days everywhere in the Diaspora under Jewish law. In addition, there is a ten hour time zone gap between Israel and Berkeley, where Lerner lives. I decided to conduct an experiment to see if Lerner is religiously observant, or Orthodox. On Passover, it was the evening after the holiday when I sent Lerner an email inquiry from Israel under a fake name. Let me make this clear: it was no longer holiday in Israel when I sent it out, but was still the first day of the two-day holiday in California. My plan was to see if Lerner would respond to the letter on the second day of the two-day holiday. (Some Reform Jews in the Diaspora only celebrate the first of the two-day holidays.) As it turns out, I was wrong. Lerner responded to the letter when it was still the FIRST day of the two-day holiday! From the timing of the letter, he wrote it even while it was still the first of the two days of "Yom Tov". Now "Yom Tov" or the holiday of Passover is when all work (other than cooking food) is prohibited by Judaism and - specifically - writing and operating electronic equipment is prohibited, including computers. But "Rabbi" Lerner was spending his holiday playing with his computer and conducting correspondence. No doubt his sabbath is spent the same way. Let me emphasize that it is not my place to tell non-religious or non-Orthodox Jews how to spend their holidays or how to live their lives. It is not my business if some Jew wishes to live his life as a secularist and play with his computer on the sabbath or on holidays. Indeed I only mention this matter simply because of the hypocritical gall and outright dishonesty of this buffoon Lerner pretending to be an Orthodox Rabbi. In my letter to Lerner under the false name, I asked him if he would be willing to silence all those questioning his "rabbinic" credentials by agreeing to take a spot quiz in Bible and Talmud. Personally, I am of the opinion that he has never read the Books of the Prophets in the Bible whose "ethics" he likes to cite when he promotes his New Age pro-LSD "liberation theology". He wrote back (while it was still Yom Tov) that he would NOT agree to this and that he had no need to do so because he had been admitted as a member of the California Board of Rabbis. Here are his words: From : Rabbi Michael Lerner "Absolutely not. They are already sinners spreading lashon hara (hearsay), so there is no possible reason to believe that they would be satisfied by anything. I am a member of the Board of Rabbis of Northern California, which did its own careful assessment of my qualifications as it does with every applicant." Now, as a matter of fact, the California Board of Rabbis does NOT check out anyone's credentials who applies for membership. Membership is automatic and hardly constitutes proof that someone is a Rabbi. A few years back, a friend of mine and I began to register his goldfish as a "Rabbi" in the California Board of Rabbis, to prove the point. But we decided it would tarnish the name of the Board and embarrass the actual Rabbis who are members, so we called the prank off. The above statement by Lerner however does show how thoroughly dishonest he is. In short, Michael Lerner is neither Orthodox nor a Rabbi. We DO know that he is an anti-Semite though, one who claims that Jews themselves are to blame for anti-Semitism! (See this for details and this.)
4/27/2006 02:15:00 PM
1. Report: Peres accepted illegal payments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Staff, THE JERUSALEM POST Apr. 27, 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MK Shimon Peres (Kadima) is suspected of accepting illegal contributions for his Labor Party primaries campaign according to a special report published by State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss Thursday morning. According to the allegations, Peres received a forbidden donation of some $320,000 from two overseas donors on the eve of his loss to Amir Peretz in the party leadership race, the Yediot Aharonot newspaper first reported some three months ago. The details of the report have already been brought to the attention of Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz and Peres has employed the services of attorney Ram Caspi. A spokesman for Peres stated that the former prime minister vehemently denied the accusations. The complete State Comptroller report was set to be published in three weeks. 2. How to Destroy Israel: Appoint Amir Peretz Defense Minister: 3. Holocaust Denial Chic: 4. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel is a misnamed extremist anti-Israel pro-terror group. It is headed by writer Sami Michael who has justified Arab terrorist attacks on Jews. Here is its latest: The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) came out against the expulsion of the Palestinian parliamentarians who are residents of East Jerusalem, to which the government decided in reaction to the suicide bombing in Tel-Aviv, killing nine. ACRI adv. Oded Feller sent an urgent appeal to Attorney General Menny Mazuz asking him to instruct the government to reverse its decision which would take away residency status of several newly-elected Palestinian lawmakers. 5. "There are two types of Jews - those who believe Judaism is social justice and those who know Hebrew" --- Dennis Prager 6. The Anti-Semitic Tony Judt: 7. Moonbats Demand the Right to Play Hooky! You will all be happy to hear that our leftist brethren have a new banner and cause celebre - defending the rights of children to play hooky! Well, at least when the kid pretends to be engaged in "demonstrating against injustice". In many schools on the Left Coast, students have been walking out of school to show their support for illegal immigrants. After all, if the illegals do not have to do homework then why should we? Fighting injustice by educating yourself? FUGGEDABOUDIT! You see, the Moonbaterie is upset because some principals are not letting their pupils have unlimited time off from school to go right the wrongs of society. In one extreme case, Anthony Soltero, an organizer of his school.s walkout, shot himself after his vice-principal at the De Anza Middle School supposedly threatened Soltero with a three year prison term, forbade him to participate in graduation ceremonies, and threatened his mother with fines for Anthony.s truancy and involvement in the protest (First Casualty of Student Walk Outs). Oh, the humanity! With the nice weather upon us, skipping school to march for justice and to ogle the babes is becoming more popular among the adolescent-acne scene. In California last March during the student walkout about 50 students were corralled by police officers in Los Angeles and cited. In the San Pedro area, a group of 200 skipped school after being threatened with disciplinary consequences. In the city of Carson, California authorities with batons and helmets temporarily ringed dozens of youngsters in front of a high school before allowing them to march. Students at several Las Vegas high schools also walked out. On Monday, some 36,000 students from 25 Los Angeles County school districts walked out of class, officials said, with more than 1,000 protesting outside Los Angeles City Hall for much of the day. The Indymedia web sites of the anarcho-fascists are even proposing: "They (the hooky players) should all receive straight .A.s. in their History class, not punishment for participating in democracy." All together now: We don't need no education! We don't need no thought control! No dark sarcasm in the classroom! Teacher leave the kids alone! Hey! Teacher! Leave the kids alone! 8. How come the Brits can make praising terrorism illegal but not Israel? 9. CAIR Beaten Again
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
4/26/2006 03:15:00 PM
1. R&D = Re-Occupation and DeNazification:
2. Rabbi Rapper for Olmert: 3. Excellent piece: 4. Why are there so many stupid Jews (by Dennis Prager)? 5. Academic Stupidity: 6. Osama U 7. Michigan State finds some hate speech:,2933,192960,00.html 8. When is it not "transfer" to dump Palestinian refugees in Syria? 9. When "settler" means "Jew": 10. The FBI identifies some terrorists: FBI seeks pro-Israel reporters' names WASHINGTON, April 25 (UPI) -- The FBI wants to know the identities of pro-Israel reporters who once worked for late Washington journalist Jack Anderson, a report said Tuesday. Mark Feldstein of George Washington University, who is writing a book on Anderson's Nixon-era exposes, said FBI agents sought the information in March in the prosecution of two ex-lobbyists with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman were indicted in August on charges of receiving and transmitting national defense information. Feldstein told The Washington Post he was surprised the FBI agents mentioned the case when they asked about reporters who worked for Anderson who were pro-Israel or close to the AIPAC. Feldstein "tried to wave (FBI agents) off" when they mentioned specific reporters' names, the Post said. The agents also wanted to know if Anderson's files contained classified documents relating to Israel and Iran as early as the 1980s. Feldstein said no classified documents have been found in nearly 200 boxes of Anderson's records. The FBI said it will continue efforts to see Anderson's files, a move Anderson's family has fought. 11. Something the Feminazis have never protested: 12. An old nugget from P.J. O'Rourke: Everybody wants to save the earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
4/25/2006 01:53:00 PM
At Tel Aviv University, Holocaust Remembrance Day Marked by Solidarity with Iran and Suppression of Free Speech by Steven Plaut This is being written on Yom Hashoah or Holocaust Commemoration Day in Israel. The sirens went off a little while ago, during which the entire country stood in silence in remembrance. Well, almost the whole country. These are also the days in which the government of Iran at one and the same time denies there ever was a Holocaust, while building nuclear weapons in order to perpetrate a second one. And just before Holocaust Remembrance Day began this year, a group of leftist and "Post-Zionist" radical professors at Tel Aviv University decided that the time was apt to show their own solidarity with Iran and defend it from American "imperialist ambitions". Really. Just a few hours before Holocaust Remembrance Day commenced, Tel Aviv University (TAU) held the official initiation ceremony for its Center for Iranian Studies, a new research institute on campus. Some TAU leftist faculty members were upset about that. A group of extremist professors held a demonstration, together with Arab and Jewish student radicals, and sent an official letter of protest against opening the Center to campus authorities, as reported in Israeli dailies Haaretz and Yediot Ahronot. First, in their letter they expressed fear that the new Center will be "misused" to paint Iran as a radical anti-Semitic and pro-terrorism state and grant legitimacy to Western demonization of Iran. Second, they expressed concern that the operations of the Center could be exploited by American imperialism in justifying American aggression against Iran. Finally, the radicals were particularly upset because a speaker at the opening ceremony was the Iran-born Shaul Mofaz, who had been Commander in Chief of the IDF and then Minister of Defense of Israel. As such, Mofaz is guilty in the eyes of the protesters of illegitimately fighting against Islamofascist terrorism, rather than appeasing it and capitulating to the demands of the terrorists. "We cannot remain indifferent, let alone on the eve of Holocaust Memorial Day, to statements coming from Tehran by one of the most extreme leaders since Hitler, who denies the Holocaust and calls to destroy Israel. We must take it seriously," Mofaz said at the ceremony. The protesting faculty members expressed fears that the new Iran Center would have a "defensive-military" character (as opposed to an appeasing one). The protesters noisily sat in the hall in which the ceremony took place, holding signs with the names of Palestinians allegedly killed in Israeli shelling when Israel fired back at Qassam missile launchers and otherwise took retaliatory action for Palestinian terrorists. No names of Israeli victims of Arab terrorism were on the signs. Numerous faculty and student protesters were then evicted from the hall by security guards for disrupting the ceremony and trying to prevent Mofaz from speaking. The Tel Aviv University "First Amendment" was certainly on display for all to see. One extremist TAU professor, Dr. Anat Matar (an activist in supporting and organizing mutiny and insurrection among Israeli soldiers, who has been arrested in the past for violent protests against Israel's security wall) was behaving in such a disruptive manner that she was forcibly prevented by security guards from entering the hall at all. The protesters screamed at Mofaz that he was a "war criminal" because he had commanded the army during operations against terrorism, andthey carried signs threatening Mofaz with prosecution at the "World Court" in the Hague. A letter signed by numerous anti-Israel extremist faculty members at TAU opposed the opening of the Center altogether and demanded that Shaul Mofaz be prevented from addressing the opening ceremony. As in other countries, leftist extremist faculty members at TAU are opposed to freedom of speech for those with whom they disagree. The TAU faculty members who signed that letter included the above-mentioned faculty hooligan Anat Matar, as well as communist professor Yehouda Shenhav (currently a contender for a new job at Columbia University and inventor of the "theory" that Oriental Jews are in fact Arabs of the Jewish faith), Prof. Adi Ophir ( a founder of "Peace Now" who wrote on the anti-Semitic web site Counterpunch that Israel is conducting genocide), Prof. Gadi Algazi (a founder of the seditious Taayush organization and fanatic anti-Zionist); Prof. Israel Gershoni (a leftist extremist from Middle East Studies who has promoted boycotts of Israel), Dr. Amalia Ziv (who teaches"lesbian Marxist theory" in "Women's Studies" at TAU and leads a "queer anti-occupation" group of Israel-Bashing homosexuals), Eva Jablonka (an old-left communist who has been active in calling for boycotts of Israel), and some others. The Center for Iranian Studies was funded with contributions by Jews who had escaped Iran for the West and succeeded there. After the ceremony, Mofaz commented on the radical protesters who disrupted it and suggested that they could better spend their time be visiting the families of Jews murdered by terrorists. According to the news reports in Israel, the leftist faculty protesters were of the opinion that defending democracy requires the suppression of Shaul Mofaz' freedom of speech. Outraged by the behavior of these Tel Aviv University faculty members? Why not left TAU's President, Professor Itamar Rabinovich, know what you think. He can be reached at, or fax 972-3-6422379. Make sure the far-leftist foul-mouthed spokesman for TAU, Danny Shapiro, gets a copy, at 2. Oh, and let's not overlook Ben Gurion University. All Israeli newspapers today are reporting that a 60 year old professor of veterinary science at BGU, one Avi (or Avraham or Allen) Dagan was arrested for drug trafficing. He is alleged to have smuggled cocaine from Argentina on behalf of a Bedouin drug dealer.
Monday, April 24, 2006
4/24/2006 09:44:00 AM
1. A Call for Help from anti-Israel extremist Neve Gordon: Help Ezra Nawi Many of you have either have met or heard of Ezra Nawi. For the past five years he has been the leading force behind the political activity in South Hebron, struggling literately day and night in an effort to strengthen the Palestinian cave dwellers as the Israeli government and settlers try to expel them from their land. Rain and shine he was there, building water wells, planting olive trees, ploughing fields, organizing summer camps for the children, taking patients to the hospitals, and filing scores of complaints against settler violence. On Monday April 18th, during a Ta'ayush (fanatic anti-Israel organization -- SP) ploughing activity north of Hebron, Ezra's vehicle was stolen (poor baby -- SP). It was a 4X4 Mitisbuhi Magnum pickup truck, which Ezra used regularly for his political activities. Indeed, the car was bought in order to enable Ezra to reach the cave dwellers and carry out his political activities. Unfortunately, Ezra did not have theft insurance (poor baby -- SP). Now is the time to express our solidarity with Ezra and help him out. The car was worth 75,000 shekels and we want to raise at the very least a large part of this sum. Any little bit helps, 30, 50, 100, 250 or 500 shekels (or any other currency). For more information you can call Neve Gordon 054-2242482 Please send checks made out to Ta'ayush, to: Dr. Neve Gordon Department of Politics, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, 84105 Israel (the above was NOT a joke!) 2. Pot Unluck for Tikkun The Food and Drug Administration in Washington just issued a report proving that marijuana has no medical value whatsoever in anything. Mark Souder, R-Indiana, chairman of the House Government Reform subcommittee on drug policy, has said the promotion of medical marijuana "is simply a red herring for the legalization of marijuana for recreational use." "Studies have continually rejected the notion that marijuana is suitable for medical use because it adversely impacts concentration and memory, the lungs, motor coordination and the immune system." Michael Lerner and the staff of the anti-Israel Far-Leftist hippy magazine Tikkun will be holding a million-being march against the FDA for this violation of what Tikkun regards as the central tenets of Judaism! WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday that it does not support the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Tikkun's Michael Lerner insisted that this violates every moral value from the Bible! 3. PC Terror at Penn State: 4. More Peace and Love: 5. . 'Protocols of Zion': The Life of a Fraud & Its True Believers By Philip Kennicott This article can now be uploaded from 6. IQ test for liberality: 7. Trotskyites Denounce Harvard Anti-Semitism! I student of mine once asked me to explain in class the difference between a Trotskyite and a Trotskyist. I replied that it was precidely the same as the difference between bull manure and cow manure. But you know that the Messianic Age is nigh when the main Trotskyite weekly, "The Militant", ( comes out not only to denounce the Harvard anti-Semitic "research" article about the demonic Israeli lobby, but also to denounce anti-Semitism in the Left and leftist paranoid obsession with "neocons". Are those the bells of the donkey carrying in the Messiah I hear? Yes, in its May 1, 2006 issue (Trotskyites are so in love with May 1 that they seem to give th eMay 1 date to any issue in any time of the year), The Militant comes out with the following insights: ".Neocons. responsible for Iraq war? In this context some liberal Democratic politicians and commentators, in attacking their Republican rivals, resort to the false and misleading charge that a secretive .neoconservative. group is shaping U.S. foreign policy and betraying 'American interests.' ... Not surprisingly, Walt.s 'research' paper won hearty applause from ultrarightist David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan leader. On his web site, he praised the Harvard dean for revealing .how these Jewish extremists have manipulated American policy against the clear interests of the American people.. These assertions about .neoconservative. and even .Jewish. control over Washington.s policies in the Mideast are fraudulent and reactionary. First, the leading figures in the alleged .neocon conspiracy. such as Wolfowitz and Feith, are no longer in the Bush administration. Second, none of the central officials responsible for Washington.s policy in Iraq - Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld - are Jewish.... The conspiracy theories, including the Jew-hating varieties, let the U.S. capitalists off the hook while promoting American nationalism. " Now while the Trots are as moonbatesque as ever when it comes to their own "theories" about the world, their uncharacteristic common sense when it comes to conspiracist nonsense and anti-Semitic filth is refreshing. Indeed, I venture to say that their coverage of the crap about some supposed "Israel Lobby" is far more objective than what is to be found in the liberal mainstream media. 8. Afraid I disagree with Lee Kaplan here: Israel would just set the terrorist free, if not make him a member of the Knesset!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
4/23/2006 01:22:00 PM
1. Leftist Attacks on Neo-Nazi Norman Finkelstein DePaul's Norman Finkelstein, considered by the Anti-Defamation League to be a Holocaust Denier and open anti-Semite, is now under attack... from the LEFT! The Finkie is still spreading his swastikas around DePaul, the same campus in which Prof. Thomas Klocek was fired for daring to be politiclaly incorrect! It is not just the signers of the Euston Minifesto who know a neo-nazi when they see one! Writing in What Next?, Tobias Abse demolishes Finkelstein and callsf or the sane Left to distince itself from such critters. He writes, inter alia: "NORMAN Finkelstein.s new book, The Holocaust Industry, does no service to the left, to Jews or to genuine anti-fascists of any variety. Objectively, this book, whose very title echoes the rhetoric of Holocaust denial rather in the way that the phrase .race relations industry. is a hallmark of all British racists, provides considerable comfort to every Holocaust denier, neo-Nazi and anti-Semite on the face of the planet....With ever increasing frequency, the overall tone of Finkelstein.s work becomes increasingly reminiscent of a neo-Nazi tract; no non-Jewish anti-Stalinist left-wing opponent of Zionism would ever dare to indulge in such blatant anti-Semitic stereotyping....Finkelstein.s appetite for anti-Semitic humour is as gross and insatiable as Irving.s or Le Pen.s...For Finkelstein, the world Jewish conspiracy is boundless, in words reminiscent of The Protocols of the Elder of Zion." He dismisses Finkie's "book" as a "crude polemic" and Finkelstein as a fraud and racist. There are serious questions as to whether DePaul, clearly uninterested in maintaining academic standards, should be considered to be an academic institution at all. 2. Suppressing Artistic Freedom and Free Speech at Penn State! The Penn State student paper carries the story of the latest act of suppression of free speech by the PC stormtroopers. Seems that a Penn State student named Josh Stulman was about to open his own art exhibit when it was censored by the Penn State Big Brother for being politically correct. His 10-piece exhibit was entitled "Portraits of Terror". Just before it was scheduled to open, Stulman received an e-mail message from the School of Visual Arts who said his exhibit on images of terrorism "did not promote cultural diversity" or "opportunities for democratic dialogue" and the display would be cancelled. In other words, it did not give equal time to the terrorists. The exhibit is based mainly on the conflict in "Palestinian" territories, and raises questions concerning the destruction of Jewish religious shrines, anti-Semitic propaganda and cartoons in Palestinian newspapers, the disregard for rules of engagement and treatment of prisoners, and the indoctrination of youth into terrorist acts. "I'm being censored and the reason for censoring me doesn't make sense," Stulman was cited as saying. "It's not about hate. I don't hate Muslims. This is not about Islam," Stulman said. "This is about terrorism impacting the Palestinian way of life and Israel way of life." Stulman said advertisements for the event were defaced in the Patterson and School of Visual Arts buildings, one of which had a large swastika on it. But THAT was politically acceptable hatred at Penn State and so nothing was done about IT! Stulman, who is Jewish, said he felt threatened and abused by the Nazi symbol and is concerned for his artwork and his personal well-being. 3. Rabbi Jihad: FILEA top Muslim leader, the grand mufti of Bosnia, visited Birmingham recently. At an interfaith meeting with clergy at Southside Baptist Church, Mustafa Ceric called for more interfaith dialogue to help promote peace and understanding for the situation of Muslims in the world. Ceric also visited Temple Emanu-El. Recently, Rabbi Jonathan Miller hosted Bosnia's Grand Mufti Mustafa Ceric to speak at Temple Emanu-El so we Jews and Christians might "make room in our hearts and souls for others who believe differently from us." The rabbi should have done some research first. Ceric recently called on the world to stand by Syria, a state that sponsors terrorism against Israel and U.S. forces in Iraq. During the March 2004 pogroms in Kosovo against Orthodox Christian Serbs by Albanian Muslims - in which 19 people were killed, dozens of churches and cemeteries desecrated, and close to 4,000 of Kosovo's minority Serbs displaced - reported Ceric "expressed concern about the rise of anti-Islamic hysteria in the West." He added there was "no such thing as Islamic terrorism," and said there were no charities linked to al-Qaida operating in Bosnia. That a rabbi would invite a terror enabler to ingratiate himself and his religion to a Judeo-Christian audience is a disgrace. The American Jewish Committee's counter-terrorism division has warned about Islamists using interfaith to gain legitimacy, noting Muslim organizations have learned "interfaith dialogue is a good way to spread the ideology," and adding, "these organizations come to the Jewish community to talk about `interfaith,' while they still teach anti-Western and anti-Christian doctrines to their followers." That aside, the vision of a Muslim cleric lecturing fair-minded American audiences on being open to other faiths borders on the obscene. If Jews continue doing PR for movements that wish them ill, they'll find themselves in a position similar to what they were in during World War II. At that time, Jerusalem Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husseini met with Hitler to offer support. Thousands of Bosnian Muslims answered the mufti's call to volunteer for service in the Waffen SS. When we finally arrive at the logical conclusion of the current state of affairs, in which Jews are fleeing Europe once again and 6 million in Israel are threatened with "erasure" from the map, it won't be because "the world" looked the other way. It'll be because of my fellow Jews' own fatal ignorance. Never again? What a joke. Shame on this so-called rabbi, and shame on every Jew and Christian in the audience who applauded the speaker on cue. Julia Gorin Las Vegas 4. 'Protocols of Zion': The Life of a Fraud & Its True Believers By Philip Kennicott To view the entire article, go to 5. Loonier and loonier: 6. Corrie Crud Coming Canada:
Friday, April 21, 2006
4/21/2006 06:32:00 PM
1. Not Extinct?: The Intelligent non-Satanic Leftist! We have grown so accustomed to seeing the Left is little more than a collection of babbling moonbats and totalitarian crackpots that we all tend to forget that hiding in the shadows is a minority among the Left who are not overtly stupid and grossly evil. It is true that one has to search them out with effort to locate them. Now, a large group of these leftist non-moonbats in the UK has issued what is being called the "Euston Manifesto." Its motivation seems to be to rescue the Left from its ultas, pro-terror anti-Semites and anti-democratic moonbats. The signers want to demonstrate that there really are some non-insane people left in the Left! The initiators call themselves the Website of a new democratic progressive alliance. But from the very start, they part ways with the ultras and the moonbats. They begin: "We decline to make excuses for, to indulgently 'understand', reactionary regimes and movements for which democracy is a hated enemy - regimes that oppress their own peoples and movements that aspire to do so. We draw a firm line between ourselves and those left-liberal voices today quick to offer an apologetic explanation for such political forces." They go on to defend human rights for all people, even for Jews. They endorse democracy (how refreshing from the Left!). Even more revolutionary, they reject anti-Americanism!! "We reject without qualification the anti-Americanism now infecting so much left-liberal (and some conservative) thinking. ...The United States of America is a great country and nation. It is the home of a strong democracy with a noble tradition behind it and lasting constitutional and social achievements to its name. Its peoples have produced a vibrant culture that is the pleasure, the source-book and the envy of millions. " It endorses solutions to the Middle East conflict that leave Israel intact as a Jewish state. "Vandalism against synagogues and Jewish graveyards and attacks on Jews themselves are on the increase in Europe. 'Anti-Zionism' has now developed to a point where supposed organizations of the Left are willing to entertain openly anti-Semitic speakers and to form alliances with anti-Semitic groups. We stand against all variants of such bigotry." It rejects oppression of women even when it is done by Moslems. "We defend liberal and pluralist democracies against all who make light of the differences between them and totalitarian and other tyrannical regimes....We repudiate the way of thinking according to which the events of September 11, 2001 were America's deserved comeuppance, or "understandable" in the light of legitimate grievances resulting from US foreign policy. What was done on that day was an act of mass murder, motivated by odious fundamentalist beliefs and redeemed by nothing whatsoever. No evasive formula can hide that." A list of the signers can be found here None of these are Counterpunch writers. The signers still entertain certain anachronistic ideas about markets and approve of certain PC notions, including protectionaism and anti-globalization. But these people certainly have hope and represent a radical awakening of sanity among the radicals. Indeed, one of these days, we expect them all to morph into intelligent neocons!! 2. The Revenge of the Anosim?: 3. CAIR Bears: 4. For any of you out there sending threats to the RENSE neo-nazi Holocaust Denial web site (see, please keep up the good work!
4/21/2006 01:52:00 PM
 We recently had occassion to comment on the PC nuttiness that has spread to Baylor University, the world's largest Baptist university. While retaining on its faculty an anti-Semitic ultra-Moonbat, Marc H. Ellis, as it sloan "professor of Jewish studies," Baylor recently denied tenure to the eminent Francis Beckwith, a leading bio-ethicist and one of the most accomplished scholars at Baylor. Beckwith had been associate director of the J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies and associate professor of church-state studies. The vote to deny him tenure was little more than an act of political censorship directed against his conservative political and religious views. It has also turned into a media nightmare for Baylor's administration. Rod Dreher at the Dallas Morning News wrote this about Baylorgate: "The fact that a Baptist university cannot bring itself to award tenure to a scholar of Dr. Beckwith's stature is scandalous -- and will cause shock waves beyond Waco." Ellis is also Texas's answer to Norman Finkelstein, considered by the Anti-Defamation League to be a Holocaust Denier. In fact, there are surprisingly few differences between Finkelstein's beer-hall anti-Semitism and Ellis' "scholarly work." Indeed, the two have a long history of collaboration with one another. They appear at one another's conferences and on one another's web sites, endorsing one another with true brotherly comradeship. Now, Baylor is back in the news. It's chiefs have issued a fatwa prohibiting female students from posing for Playboy magazine. Playboy spokeswoman Theresa Hennessey declined to say how many Baylor University students were interviewed when the photographers set up at a hotel for two days this week, but said the turnout was less than at other schools "because Baylor is a religiously affiliated school." Tell THAT to Prof. Beckwith! In 2002, a Baylor student was suspended after posing nude for Playboy, though her picture did not appear in the print version of the magazine. Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity also was suspended for a year after about 50 members were featured, clothed, along with four bikini-clad women in the same issue, which also had a Big 12 theme.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
4/20/2006 11:52:00 AM
Self-Loathing in Tel-Aviv By Steven Plaut | April 20, 2006 Americans are familiar with campus characters, such as Ward Churchill and Noam Chomsky, who misuse their positions in academia to disseminate anti-American hate and propaganda from the university podium, often in the guise of "scholarship". But in many ways Israeli universities are considerably worse. Israeli universities are crawling with extremist faculty members, many of whom hate their own country, endorse the enemies of their country, and collaborate with Bash-Israel organizations around the world, sometimes even with open anti-Semites. Over the past year, the "Israel Academia Monitor," a watchdog group that monitors anti-Israel extremists and "Post-Zionists" in Israeli universities, has begun to expose the activities, behavior, and statements of these people. Their effort includes uncovering in-classroom indoctrination, law-breaking, seditious activity, and even violent behavior by Far Leftist faculty members in Israel. While it would be hard to point the finger at the very worst campus in Israel when it comes to anti-Israel faculty activism, Tel Aviv University (TAU) is surely a serious contender. And unlike the other campuses, the anti-Zionist radicalism at TAU seems to operate with the blessings and support of the university President, Itamar Rabinovich. In recent years, TAU has been in the news for turning its campus over to Israel's predominantly-Arab Communist Party to operate a "socioeconomic studies" program. A "legal clinic" is run in the TAU Law School in collaboration with an anti-Semitic organization (the anti-Israel extremist group "Physicians for Human Rights"). A propaganda course entitled "The Psychology of the Occupation" is now being taught by an anti-Zionist professor in the TAU Department of Psychology. Among the leading lights of anti-Zionism and Marxism on the TAU faculty are Yehouda Shenhav, Yoav Peled, Anat Biletzki, Ran HaCohen, Tanya Reinhart (a Noam Chomsky protg), and many others. There are entire departments at TAU that are near-uniformities of leftwing extremism, but apparently none more so than the TAU Department of History. And that department's chairperson is a leading "Post-Zionist," meaning an anti-Zionist or anti-Israel radical, one with one of the skimpiest academic publication records in all of Israeli academia. Among the leading voices opposing any Israeli action at all aimed at stopping the massive firing by Palestinian terrorists of Qassam and other rockets at Israeli civilians is Aviad Kleinberg, the chairman of the Department of History at Tel Aviv University. How convenient for him that his campus is not (yet) within range of the Palestinian rockets and missiles. Kleinberg claims to have some expertise in medieval history, as well as philosophy and religion. (His interest in Jewish "religion" seems to end with his pronouncements that the sage Maimonides necessarily implies that one must vote for the Israeli Labor Party's candidate, or Kleinberg's fatwa that all retaliation against terrorists is "not kosher".) Some of his research has been on pop pseudo-medieval novels, like "The Name of the Rose" and the "Da Vinci Code." He also heads the Tel Aviv University Press, a small in-house publishing house at TAU, and writes a regular leftwing column for Yediot Ahronot, Israel's largest-circulation tabloid. In a recent Op-Ed, Kleinberg denounced all counterattacks by Israel aimed at stopping the firing of Qassam rockets, insisting that the "War on Qassams (is) not kosher... Even during Pesach (Passover), there are methods that are simply not kosher." Now Qassam rockets are routinely fired by Palestinian terrorists from the Hamas, the PLO and the Islamic Jihad, shot into civilian areas INSIDE Israel, that is, inside Israel's 1967 border lines. Thousands have already been fired at the Jews by the terrorists. Recently the PLO-Hamas terror army added Katyusha rockets to its Gaza arsenal, the same weapon used by the Soviet Red Army with such effectiveness in terrorizing its enemies in World War II, and at least one has been fired at Jewish civilians. Kleinberg's central thesis is that Israel is behaving like a barbarian terrorist state when it defends its civilians from these rockets: "IDF (Israel Defense Forces) attacks almost always strike the innocent. The reason they are being fired is psychological. They are intended to give Israelis a nice feeling for the beginning of Pesach (Passover) . "See, the IDF isn't sitting on its hands." Quite the opposite, the army is using what the media admiringly calls (sic) its "iron fist", and is striking painful blows to the innocent." In other words, Israel shoots at the terrorists for the heck of it because it is a bloodthirsty irrational country trying to terrorize the poor innocent Palestinians for no reason. Kleinberg insists that Israel should not respond at all to having thousands of Qassam rockets shot into its civilian areas, since such rockets are not an "existential threat" to Israel. Among his other comments in the same piece, Kleinberg denounces the Israeli media for not opposing Israeli retaliations against the rocket shooters: "If you listen carefully, you can hear the sounds of spring: Birds chirping, the buzz of mosquitoes, and the incessant sound of IDF artillery, turning the lives of innocent Gazans into a living hell. Springtime's here, alright. The IDF's firing a lot, alright, thousands of shells into "open fields" from where the Qassam Rockets are being fired. Of course, the term "open fields" is given to interpretation..Qassams are primitive rockets. You can find an article, maybe even a picture, in (Israeli daily) Yedioth Ahronoth, of a dog at Kibbutz Zikim that was literally scared to death by the exchange of fire. "The artillery fire killed our dog," screamed the headlines. Who said Jews had no compassion?...And IDF attacks almost always strike the innocent..." Kleinberg has long denounced Israel for retaliatory and pre-emptive anti-terror strikes. Kleinberg believes Israel should be prevented from conducting any such strikes as long as there is any risk at all that some Palestinian civilian might get hurt. But since the terrorists firing the rockets at the Jews always are based and hiding among Palestinian citizens, Kleinberg's position is equivalent to demanding that Israel refrain altogether from defending its own citizens from Palestinian rocket and mortar terrorism. Instead, Kleinberg demands that Israel restrict its responses to terrorism to displays of pacifism and turning the other cheek, at least until a danger arises that is "considered an existential necessity." Otherwise, Israel itself is the real terrorist. Kleinberg then concludes: "Arab lives are very cheap in the State of Israel." All this is the familiar message from Israel's extremist anti-Israel leftist academics: Palestinian atrocities are acts of "self-defense" and "protests against occupation," even when they involve shooting rockets into Jewish civilian homes. Israel's actions to stop the rockets are human rights abuses that must be denounced and obstructed at all costs, all so that the Qassams may be fired with continued impunity. As Kleinberg says: "But more importantly, the (Israeli counter-) attacks are also intended - pay attention to the sophisticated psychology here . to put pressure on the civilian population, that (sic) will put pressure on PA authorities, that (sic) will put pressure on the Qassam gunmen to stop shooting. It's like that song about the little goat at the end of the Pesach haggadah (holiday prayer reader)." Kleinberg has been turning out extremist anti-Israel propaganda from his Tel Aviv University office for many years. Israel is not a democracy at all, Kleinberg pontificates, because of the "reversal of Israel('s) integration into the block of democratic nations and the adoption in its place (of) the same pattern of violent and ethnocentric policies we officially condemn." In other words, in order to be a democracy, Israel first needs to adopt those extremist policies which he himself favors and most Israeli voters oppose. Kleinberg insists Israel is "autocratic" and undemocratic because it "relies on its leaders," like Ariel Sharon. "This (system of democracy) is not the case in Israel today. The great weakness of the system is that too much power is concentrated in the hands of the prime minister, sending signs of autocracy (for instance, making his son a secret advisor.)" Kleinberg considers Ariel Sharon a warmonger devoted to preventing peace, but also regards Ehud Barak from the Labor Party Left in the same way. All they offered the Palestinians, according to Kleinberg, was a "Bantustan," that familiar nonsense term beloved by the Bash-Israel Left. (Google and Yahoo list over 40,000 web pages in which Israel haters have linked the term "Israel" and "Palestinian" with "Bantustan".) Here is Kleinberg's bottom-line assessment of his own country's defense strategy: "So Israel has to make sure the Palestinians give up their dreams, that they reach total despair." Kleinberg's conception of democracy is best illustrated by the fact that he is a longtime endorser of politically-motivated insurrection and mutiny by Israeli soldiers. Law-breaking is his notion of the highest values of democracy. As a writer featured on many Palestinian propaganda web sites, he has signed calls upon Israeli soldiers to refuse to serve in the military. This is his own anti-democratic tactic to coerce the country into implementing the policies endorsed by Israel's anti-Zionist far Left. Then, without pausing even to take a breath, he denounces the Jewish "settlers" for "law breaking": "The settlers pose a danger not only because the 'legal' settlements stand in the way of any lasting agreement between us and the Palestinians, but because a whole generation has grown up with no respect for authority and a view of its representatives as a hindrance." Meanwhile, the Gaza Jewish settlements were all removed, but in response the Palestinians escalated the rocket shootings. So much for the learned history professor's analysis of why there is no peace. In general, Kleinberg dismisses Israel as a racist society and has denounced Israel as "marching to apartheid." A few years back Israeli universities temporarily abolished college board exams, but then reintroduced them, realizing that without them standards were simply being "dumbed down." Kleinberg attacked the universities for their "anti-Arab racism" in restoring the exams. In any test of academic proficiency, Arabs in Israel do worse than Jews on average, which indicates to Kleinberg that such proficiency must not be tested at all. [Interestingly, he did not denounce Arab universities in Arab countries for their own "anti-Arab racism," even though they also use entrance exams.] Never mind that those very same Israeli universities have implemented affirmative action preferences across the board in favor of Arabs. Naturally, Kleinberg is also anti-American. Right after the start of the liberation of Iraq from Saddam, Kleinberg wrote: "The war in Iraq was more than the first expression of the United States' readiness to go to war as an empire (sic)..The world has a new sheriff who does not hesitate to use his pistol, with or without partners, with or without sanction, with or without justification." Professor Kleinberg is somewhat knowledgeable about medieval Christianity, which he seems to think entitles him to issue policy pronouncements on everything from the Jewish religion to Israel's water policy. While he has trouble rustling up any sense of indignation at the firing of Qassam missiles into Jewish civilian homes, Kleinberg gets positively livid and uncontrollably outraged at one group of people: religious Jews. He is even more of a zealot of hate when it comes to the Jewish "settlers": "The settlers are in the grip of a godly zealotry . for years they have been operating outside of the law, motivated by a deep feeling that they are not transgressing the .real laws.. In the name of zealotry, they robbed, lied, and cheated, spilt blood, and all this so that their feeling of complete devotion to God remains undamaged." A few years back, Kleinberg signed a statement that declared: "In this part of the world there are two borders that are now recognized internationally and regionally: the international border (sic) between us and the Arab states and the border of June 1967 between Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinians accept this border. Not only that, they have shown a readiness to demilitarize the Palestinian state in relation to heavy weapons, to recognize the annexation of the ring of Israeli suburbs built in Jerusalem, and other changes in the 1967 border, on the basis of a mutual agreement and lands swap." Now that the Hamas has seized power in the West Bank and Gaza and is rapidly building an Islamofascist terror army, we are waiting for the TAU Professor of History Aviad Kleinberg and his extremist friends from Tel Aviv University to repudiate that statement and issue an academic apology. We will not be holding our breath. I have prepared a strategy for dealing with Hamastan, the Islamofascist terrorist state that Shimon Peres and the rest of the Israeli political elite have erected in the outskirts of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. It is based on several scientific rational sources concerning the proper and effective way to deal with such pestilence. Here they are: "The Hamas has arisen as a rod of evil but none of it shall remain, none of its multitude and none will weep for it when it has been elimiated. --- Ezekiel 7; 11 "I will punish those who fill their master's house with Hamas and deceit." Zephaniah 1: 9 This is not the first time in recent days when the best strategic scientific analysis was in the Bible. Remember when Ehud Barak ordered the Israeli army to run away from Lebanon in cowardly retreat? Well: "For you will be engulfed in the Hamas from Lebanon and you will be robbed by beasts who cause you to feel afraid, drenched in the blood of people, and then the Hamas will be in your land and in your Capital and in all who dwell in it." Habakuk 2; 17 Would a serious campaign of R&D or Re-Occupation and DeNazification actually work? Here is the answer: " He delivers me from my enemy and lifts me above those who arise against me, he rescues me from the Hamas man." --- Psalms 18: 49. (Almost same exact wording in Samuel II: 22: 49) (in all citations the word Hamas appears in the original Hebrew as noted) 2. Counterpunch suddenly Finds a "Massacre" to Care About Counterpunch has sunk to serving as a cesspool for pro-terror jihadniks, naked anti-Semites, neo-nazis and Holocaust Deniers, and anyone who hates America. These are the cockroaches befriended and promoted by Alexander Cockburn, the man who despises America, but not enough to give up his perqs and move back to his rainy British isles. Now all of a sudden the magazine of choice for the Baath and the Taliban got all hot and excited over a "massacre". The "massacre" in question took place in Lebanon exactly 10 years ago. What happened was that Israel invaded southern Lebanon to drive out the terrorist bands that were shellingt civilian areas in northern Israel and dispatching terror teams to infiltrate Israel and conduct mass murder. Some of these Arab terrorists set up rocket launchers inches from a UN camp for "refugees" under the presumption that Israel would be afraid to fire back at the rocket team for fear of the shell landing in the UN-run camp. The acting Prime MInister at the time was leftist and peacenik Shimon Peres, the godfather of teh Oslo capitulation. Following massive bombardment of Israeli civilian areas, Peres ordered the army to respond. In the counter-bombardment, one large shell landed in the UN camp and killed some civilians. Those Lebanese civilians were murdered by the Hizbollah and other terrorists firing rockets at Israel and forcing Israel to retaliate. As in all Arab terrorist atrocities against Israel, including that in Tel Aviv last week, the blame for any and all Arab civilians killed in Israeli counter-attacks is squarely on the shoulders of the terrorists who murder Jews and necessitate the retaliation. And also on the shoulders of the apologists for the terrorists, like Alexander Cockburn and his Counterpunch vermin. But Counterpunch's take on the event is, naturally, to blame Israel and denounce Israel. In "The Massacre at Qana, 10 Years Later," by anti-Semite Stanley Heller, Israel just massacred civilians in the Lebanese camp for th eheck of it out of pure cussedness. He runs an anti-Israel web site that distorts the events at Qana, when he is not weeping over the clueless rachel Corrie, and outright lies about both. He supports terrorism and boycotts against Israel to force it to capitulate to the terrorism. Counterpunch and its columnists have never had a single word to say against the countless massacres of Jews by Islamofascist terrorists, including the massacre in Tel Aviv earlier this week. The only time they give a flying fig about massacred civilians is when they can blame Israel for deaths caused by Arab terror. 3. Hiroshima Revisionism Debunked Holocaust Revisionism is not the only form of pseudo-history being promoted by conspiracist moonbats and neo-nazis these days. Its cousin is Hiroshima Revisionism. I have argued for years that the anniversary of the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima should be a day for picnics and fireworks and celebrations. After all, it saved many millions of lives, most of them Japanese. Had the bomb not been dropped, countless millions of Japanese lives would have been lost in the ground invasion of Japan by the Allies. Many hundreds of thousands of lives of Allied soldiers would also have been lost. (To right, reason to picnic!) It would be hard to think of a single even that saved MORE lives than the bombing of Hiroshima. Japanese should be particularly grateful for it. Certainly every single Allied soldier in the Pacific War saw the Hiroshima bomb that way, as did the hundreds of millions of Asians living under Japanese imperialist oppression. But in recent years, the Hate-America campus pseudo-scholars have tried to rewrite history. The US bombed Hiroshima because Americans were anti-Asian racists (and never mind the hundreds of millions of Asians who cheered the bombing), they moo. There was no need at all to bomb Hiroshima. The Americans did so out of cussedness and an irrational desire for revenge or to scare the Russians. The Japanese were innocent victims. Such trendy revisionism has taken over the moonbat Left and also many a college campus. Even the Smithsonian Institution planned an exhibit to mark the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima that relied almost exclusively on revisionist "scholarship." It was cancelled due to outrage from non-moonbats. Robert James Maddox.s Weapons for Victory: The Hiroshima Decision Fifty Years Later effectively dismantled Hiroshima revisionism, as did Richard B. Frank.s Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire. But while those and other volumes have always been reliable antidotes to the dopey PC distortion of history, now even a Japanese historian, Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, demolishes many of the revisionist claims in his Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan (Harvard University press, 2005). While a book having lots of problems and partly sympathizing with the attempt tro paint Japan as a "victim", Hasegawa rejects most of the central axioms of the revisionists. Hasegawa rejects much of the anti-American thesis, including the critically important claim that Japan could have been induced to surrender prior to the events of August 6-9, when atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9) and the Soviet Union declared war on Japan (August 8). In th ereview of his book by the Historic Society, the conclusion is: "At best, he leaves the revisionist case as he found it, in ruins." 4. Do me a favor. First read this: and then read this: What do you conclude? 5. Peace Partners: The Vital Role of Arab MK's
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
4/18/2006 04:03:00 PM
1. Mikey Lerner Organizes a Love-In
Mikey Lerner, the Rabbi Impersonator who publishes the hard-core New Age "liberation theology" hippy rag Tikkun Magazine, a sort of a mix between a nominally-Jewish Rolling Stone and Z Magazine. Mikey is a rabbi in precisely the same sense that Ward Churchill is an Indian and I am a ballerina. Tikkun is holding its position in solid 315,802th place in the web rankings of Alexa.Com. Tikkun endorses LSD use, demanded that its readers feel the pain of bin Laden after the 9-11 attacks, and endorses anti-Semites of all stripes. Mikey is on record as favoring the "smashing of synagogues" and claims anti-Semitism is the Jews' own fault for not being communist enough. (At right, Lerner tries on a goofy hat on his goofy head, filled with his goofy "thoughts".) When Professor Edward Alexander from the University of Washington wrote an expose of Lerner, the latter sent threatening letters to numerous Jewish newspapers and magazines, warning they would be sued by him if they printed the piece. (The classic and authoritative analysis of the Lerner career is still the book written by the same Alexander (The Jewish Wars: Reflections by One of the Belligerents, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1996, especially pp. 141-51). Professor Alexander has described Lerner as "a kipah (skullcap)-wearing, rotund beard-plucker of vaguely 'rabbinic' appearance who could always be relied on to blame Israel and not the Arabs for the absence of peace, and to liken Israeli defense against Palestinian Arab violence to medieval Christian mobs . . . organizing pogroms against the whole Jewish community." Mikey invented the "Politics of Meaning", which the Hillary endorsed for a while, consisting of compulsive recitations of the words "loving and caring" and insisting that the highest form of religiosity is the pursuit of the political agenda of the Far Left. Hillary later dumped Mikey as her guru when she realized what an embarrassment he had become. Now to get some attention for his little cult, Mikey has issued a new fatwa to attend his upcoming Bash-the-Right conference. It is to be called the "Spiritual Activism conference" and will be held in Washington, D.C. May 17-20, 2006. The conference is part of the so-called Network of Spiritual Progressives, co-chaired by Mikey of Meaning, Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister, and professor of African American studies and Religion at Princeton U. Cornel West, you know - the goofball professor of rap "music" driven out of Harvard. The Pow Wow for Marxism being planned will feature as speakers an entire Who's Who of pseudo-clergymen and leftwing ultra-moonbats, including Cindy Sheehan, "Rabbi" Brain Walt (national chair, pro-terror "Rabbis for Human Rights"), Seyyed Hossein Nasr (author, The Heart of Islam: Enduring Values for Humanity), Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (chair, Progressive Caucus, U.S. House of Representatives), Robert Thurman (Buddhist teacher and author The Jewel Tree of Tibet), Jonathan Granoff (chair, American Bar Association committee on disarmament), Katrina Vanden Heuvel (editor, The Nation), Holly Near (progressive music), Arthur Waskow (Shalom Center, also known as Rabbi Woodstock), Harvey Cox, and others. We figure that if you add up the sum of the IQ's of all present, it may reach triple digits. While tales of Lerner's stupidity could fill a whole blog, our favorite is that of the wedding cake, related to us by our comrade David Horowitz, in which Lerner decided to get very temprarily hitched: The cake at his first wedding was inscribed with a Weatherman slogan: Smash Monogamy. Soon he and his wife had a child, and the young family went east. When the couple separated shortly thereafter, mother and son went to live in Boston. Lerner, however, returned to Berkeley. "Michael," I said, "how can you leave your son in the east to come to Berkeley? He needs you." Without hesitation, Lerner answered: "David, you don.t understand. I have to be here. Berkeley is the center of the world-historical spirit." Lerner also made me understand that drugs were central to the consciousness of the Movement. On discovering that I had never taken LSD, he was incredulous: "You have to take LSD. Until dropped acid, you don.t know what socialism is." Besides having been an SDS commie in Seattle back in the glorious 60s, Mikey is also an open racist. When he was shopping for his third wife, he sent out a note recruiting offers of women's names and measurements that he might consider marrying. Only thing is, he insisted he was only interested in white European "Ashkenazi" Jewish women and no darker "Sephardic" women need apply. Frankly, I think the Sephardic women should have said a Blessing of Deliverance for that. See excellent expose of Lerner at 2. More Oslo Success: Egyptian paper praises Tel Aviv bombing,7340,L-3241041,00.html State-controlled Al Gomhuria calls Monday's suicide bombing 'sacrificial, martyrdom attack,' warns more attacks to follow 3. How you know Campus Watch has them running scared: 4. Murder is Jericho: 5. More Leftist Racism: 6. Need a place to send your Orthodox leftist friends? Here is the Orthodox Jewish Anarchist Moonbat Blog (gevalt): 7. The Jews for a Second Holocaust have a seder: 8. The Anarcho-fascists get funded: 9. SO what do YOU think? If Israel had spent the past few years shooting th efamily members of suicide bombers or at least deporting them with none of their property, would Central Tel Aviv yesterday have been turned into the Valley of the Shadow of Death? If you will it, it is no legend:
Sunday, April 16, 2006
4/16/2006 08:45:00 PM
1. Over the past year, the Israeli Moonbat Left has adopted as its main symbol an image consiting of a green square or rectangle alongside a blue square or rectangle, with a black line down the center in between the two squares. The image is supposed to convey the Left's "peace plan". That is, blue (Israel) alongside green (Palestine) with a nice black border separating them (along the 1967 border line of course). The image appears on bumper stickers and as graffiti everywhere. It is on car windows and aprtment walls and store doors and on manhole covers wherever one looks.
I have now adopted the same image, with some slight modifications as my own image and hope to use it. Here is the image, after my modifications: You are welcome to adopt it also! 2. DePaul "University's" Holocaust Denier Endorses Death Threats Muslim Refusenik is a web site for dissident Muslims who reject Islamofascism and terrorism, run by Irshad Manji. The New York Times has dubbed Irshad Manji "Osama Bin Laden's worst nightmare." She takes that as a compliment. She is the best-selling author of The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim.s Call for Reform in Her Faith. It has been banned in a number of Islamofascist countries. On her website, she posts her messages in English as well as in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian. She is now at Yale University as a Visiting Fellow with the International Security Studies program, and also writes columns that are distributed by the New York Times Syndicate. She has collaborated at length with Salman Rushdie and the two have repeatedly denounced Islamist fascists for promoting neo-nazi and anti-Semitic diatribes, including the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." She has been using her site to collect signatures to a petition that denounces Islamist violence and Islamofascism. In her site, she explains that she and her friends had received a serious death threat from the British-based Islamist website, and that signatures of solidarity would show that signers are not afraid to defy Islamist radicals. Some 1,200 signed and the number is still growing! There is one person of note who did not sign, and in fact publicly endorsed the Islamist terrorists making death threats against Manji. It is none other than the neo-nazi pseudo-academic Norman Finkelstein, groupie of David Irving and considered by the Anti-Defamation League to be a Holocaust Denier, the beerhall buffoon still employed by DePaul "University" as professor in its department of political science. (DePaul keeps him on board in the name of "academic freedom," but fired Prof. Thomas Klocek for daring to talk back to anti-Israel campus jihadniki in a confrontation outside of class.) Omer Bartov, a noted historian at Brown University, compared Finkelstein's book to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The eminent historian Daniel Jonah Goldhagen has dismissed Finkelstein as an anti-Semitic crackpot, as a pseudo-scholar, and as an apologist for the Hamas terrorists. DePaul's disregard for academic standards and its in-classroom indoctrination in hatred of America grow by the day! Finkelstein wrote the Muslim Refusenik web site and asked, "Is there a petition supporting the death threats?" Finkelstein is now not only endorsing the mass murder of Jews but also the killing of anti-Islamofascist dissidents from the Moslem world! For the list of signers to Manji's petition, including quite a few Moslems, go to the web site. Norman Finkelstein has been repeatedly praised by the anti-Israel extremist Neve Gordon from Ben-Gurion University, who compared Finkelstein ethically to the Prophets in the Bible! 3. Must Read: 4. Speaking of Finkelstein, the DePaul nazi recently gave an interview to an Irish web site: "There is credible evidence for the claim that the Iraq war was a Jewish war. I happen to believe that the evidence is superficial but, nonetheless, there is evidence for it," he said. "So if, as the situation gets worse in Iraq, if Jews are scapegoated, it is in part a disaster of their own making." 5. Zsa Zsa vs. Cynthia the Cow: 6. The Conspiracy Teletubby is Now endorsing an openly Nazi book: Chamish sent out an e-mail to his list, in which he links to the page selling a book by Hennecke Kardel titled Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War With Jews, then writes: Look at the book above and decide if you want to read it. . I frankly don't know if the book is right or wrong. It was just a great conspiracy. If you do want to read it, write me and I'll send it to you. It takes 12 minutes to download and I sure wasn't going to punish my list with it. It'll come to you right after I'm back from Cyprus. Chamish may "frankly [not] know if the book is right or wrong" but I do. It's an atrocious antisemitic screed. As one reviewer sums it up, the book argues that "the Nazi leadership had .Jewish ancestry' . therefore, the Holocaust was an act of Jewish self-hatred." And Chamish has no opinion? Here is Chamish's posting: Barry Chamish <> wrote: What I won't do for my readers. 70 or so requests is enough. Look at the book above and decide if you want to read it. This is the symbol you couldn't download. I frankly don't know if the book is right or wrong. It was just a great conspiracy. If you do want to read it, write me and I'll send it to you. It takes 12 minutes to download and I sure wasn't going to punish my list with it. It'll come to you right after I'm back from Cyprus. That's my solution. While I'm here, two responses. There are two Rav Eliahus. The one from Tsfat mentioned in my article is the good one. My apologies to him. My opinions of Yesha's leadership remains the same. 7. By the by, has the Hamas been speaking with Chamish? 8. Junk Science: 9. Libya Refuses to Admit Moonbats Libya has refused to admit a "peace delegartion" of the usual pro-Islamofascist "peace" moonbats. They were too pro-terror for Muammar Khaddafi. ( ) After approaching the Libyan border hand-in-hand, singing songs of peace, the "peace" mission turned on each other when it became clear Libya would not let them enter. A grueling two-week trek, sponsored by the Berlin-based nonprofit group Breaking the Ice, "climaxed" (triple entendre?) at the Libyan border. The nine-member peace mission, including two Israelis for the destruction of Israel, marched in a horizontal line to the Egypt-Libyan border, singing .Give Peace a Chance,. John Lennon.s .Imagine. , convinced the Libyans would let them in. The Iraqi, Palestinian, Iranian and Afghan members of the group yelled at their teammates, trying to explain how insulting and absurd it was to think that the Libyan border authorities would let them in without visas. The "peace delegates" apparently then traded punches. We root for all sides! They then went back to Egypt. We are trying to find out if they will be swallowing laced Kool Aid there. 10. Easter story. 11. ABC's Take on an Un-Jewish Moses for Passover: and