Friday, December 30, 2011
12/30/2011 12:34:00 PM
1. More News from Orwellistic Israel: Terrorist murderer wants to Finish his BA; Model Hebrew University Student http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/149051 Freed Terrorist: I Want to Finish My University Degree Hamas terrorist who directed the murders of two IDF soldiers: I don't regret what I did. I want to finish the university degree I started. By Elad Benari First Publish: 10/25/2011, 6:09 AM Hamas terrorists Israel news photo: Flash 90 One of the 477 terrorists who were freed last week in exchange for Gilad Shalit said on Monday that he has absolutely no regrets for what he did. Mohammed Sharatha directed the kidnapping and murders of IDF soldiers Avi Sasportas and Ilan Saadon in 1989. Both soldiers were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists as they were hitchhiking on their way back home from their military bases. Sasportas was kidnapped and murdered in February of 1989 and his body was found three months later, in May. Saadon was murdered in May of 1989 but his body was not found until seven years later, in 1996. Sharatha was captured by the IDF in Gaza shortly after Saadon's murder. He was sentenced to three life sentences. Interviewed by Israel's Channel 10 News just six days after his release from prison and his return to Gaza, Sharatha said, "I did what I did and I do not regret it." Sharatha, who refused to cooperate with Israeli investigators and reveal where Saadon's body had been buried, even after he was captured and sentenced, said that the kidnapping and murder of the two soldiers was a direct order from Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin (who was killed in an IDF air strike in 2004). He explained why he refused to reveal the location of Saadon's body. "Why did the enemy not show us the burial place of people whom we are just now starting to look for? These are people who have been missing since 1967," he said, adding: "Israel has secret prisons where there are detainees whose identity is unknown." Sharatha said that his one request of Israel now that he has been released is to be allowed to finish the university degree from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, which he began while in prison. Allowing terrorist prisoners to study while in prison is just one of many benefits given to them by Israel. In comparison, Gilad Shalit spent five and a half years in Hamas captivity and was not allowed one single visit from the International Red Cross. At the end of the interview, Sharatha encouraged future terrorists who will commit murderous acts towards Israelis. "They have a great experience and greater power, and their fighting spirit is greater than ours," he said. "We are proud to have created a generation that will continue with the battle and go further, and Allah willing they will achieve victory."
(Seems he was not accepted to Ben Gurion University's Politics department because he was not anti-Israel enough for them!!) 2. The Boyfriend of Tali Fahima (Israeli Left's Poster Girl) re-arrested: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/151225 Top Terrorist Turns Himself In after Pardon Cancelled Fatah terrorist Zakaria Zubeidi turns himself in after the IDF cancels his pardon. By Gil Ronen & Elad Benari First Publish: 12/29/2011, 8:42 PM / Last Update: 12/29/2011, 11:33 PM
Jenin Israel news photo: Flash 90 Zakaria Zubeidi, the former Fatah leader in Jenin, turned himself to the Palestinian Authority on Thursday evening. Earlier, Zubeidi told the Ma'an news agency that Israel had canceled his pardon and instructed him to hand himself in to the Palestinian Authority (PA). Zubeidi, who headed the Al-Aqsa Brigades during the murderous terror war launched by the PLO in 2000, told the PA-based news agency he had stuck to all the conditions of the amnesty deal granted him by Israel three years ago. However, he said, Israel informed PA security forces on Thursday that Zubeidi's pardon had been revoked, and that Israeli forces would detain him if he did not turn himself in. Zubeidi was admired by an Israeli woman, Tali Fahima, who crossed the lines to accompany him when he was wanted by the IDF. Fahima, who served jail time for treasonous activities in the service of Fatah, has since been released and converted into Islam. 3. Auld Lang Zion
Should auld accomplice be forgot, And never brought to trial? Should auld Osloids, friend, be forgot, In days of auld lang Zion? For betraying auld lang Zion, my dear, For abasing auld lang Zion. Should their accomplice be forgot, In days of auld lang Zion? We yids ha'e run aboot the world, Under fire the whole time. We've wandered mony a weary foot, To reach auld lang Zion. Save auld lang Zion, my dear, Save auld lang Zion, Indict those Oslo blaggards, dear, For the sake of auld lang Zion!!!
12/30/2011 08:43:00 AM
http://frontpagemag.com/2011/12/30/womens-rights-and-double-standards/Women's Rights and Double Standards Posted By Steven Plaut On December 30, 2011 Well, it seems the Obama team lately was running short of things over which to bash Israel and so it decided that the treatment of women in Israel is something that needs condemnation. Led by Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration thinks that Israel does not treat its women nicely or respectfully enough. This is the same Hillary Clinton who never had much to say about the treatment of women in the Clinton White House. Other administration bashers of Israel joined the feeding frenzy.
This is the same Obama team that rarely has had anything to say about the treatment of women in the Muslim world, without a doubt the very worst such treatment that can be found on the planet. Hillary insisted that Israel's treatment of women is as bad as that in Iran, although Obama people do not exactly speak out against the treatment of women in Iran before breakfast each day. Hillary also used the same opportunity to condemn Israel for considering the adoption of transparency laws that would require disclosure of foreign funding to political NGOs operating inside Israel, laws that are similar to what the United States and many other democratic countries already have. After all, how will those who desire Israel's annihilation be able to finance picayune treasonous radical anti-Israel propaganda NGOs inside Israel if such transparency ever takes effect? So when Hillary Clinton recently decided to speak out against the mistreatment of Middle Eastern women, she singled out Israel for condemnation, and then turned around to welcome a delegation of Saudi feudalists with cordiality. If Hillary considers Israel a force of anti-feminine darkness and repression, just imagine how awful she must regard Scandinavia. She compared Israel's treatment of women with the racial segregation that once was so common in the American South. Israeli public figures, led by the secularist non-Orthodox Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz, denounced Hillary's comments as absurd and incorrect. He was joined by numerous other secularist Israelis. The Obama administration is largely silent when it comes to the plight of women in the Muslim world, but keeps condemning the only country in the Middle East that has a woman chief justice, plenty of women in its parliament, more women MDs and than men, countless women army officers and court judges, and which has had a woman as head of state, something the US has never had. Israel is also the only country in the world where a panel of judges, two of them women, put a former president in prison for alleged rape and sexual abuse of women. But perhaps that is what really has Bill Clinton's wife so hostile to and suspicious of Israel. Women university students in Israel have been the majority out of all undergraduate Israeli students since 1980, reaching 58% of students in 1999. That is without including teachers colleges in the computation, where women are a far larger share. Women students are the majority of students, not just in the fields of education and humanities, but also in such "non-traditional" fields for women as biological sciences and agriculture. Women are a majority of medical students, 48.3% of law students, and 39% of physics students, according to the latest survey. There are also oodles of women students in math, engineering, and computer sciences. Women students are also a small majority of those pursuing MA and PhD studies. So just what got Hillary and the Obama team so upset? Well, it seems that Israel has been debating the behavior of some small ultra-religious Jewish sects, groups that believe in strict gender separation, especially in public spaces. Known as the chareidim, these are religious radicals, best known for their black clothing, long sidecurls, anti-modern life styles, and especially for their ideas about "modesty" for women. No Jew anywhere has to belong to such communities and women in those communities unhappy with the life style may leave at any time. In some communities of these chareidim, there have been initiatives to introduce a small number of special bus lines in which women and men do not sit together. When a secularist Israeli woman rider challenged the initiative and sat in the "men's section" of one such bus Israel's ultra-secularist leftist media proclaimed her the Israeli Rosa Parks, and Hillary picked up the cue. In another incident, some religious soldiers requested not to be required to attend a concert in which women were singing, on grounds that according to their religious outlook such singing is erotic and immodest. And in yet other incidents, some signs were put up in the neighborhoods of chareidim asking women not to congregate on a street next to a synagogue, or calling on men and women in the name of modesty to walk on opposing sides of some streets in those neighborhoods. Of course Hillary and the secularist media never object to signs in mosques and churches in Israel and elsewhere that ask people not to enter in immodest dress. Hillary and her Obama colleagues have never condemned the Amish for their own pre-modern life styles and opinions and gender roles. The enlightened media regard the Amish as downright endearing, a charming tourist attraction. And you would never know it from reading Hillary's statements, but one can find some neighborhoods and communities of chareidim inside the United States, mainly in Brooklyn and upstate New York, in which similar forms of gender separation in the name of "modesty" are practiced. No one seems to think this is grounds for a public outcry by politicians. The enormous majority of Israelis reject the life style and opinions of the chareidim, much as the bulk of Americans have no interest in living the Amish life style. But the Amish generally are beneficiaries of a "live and let live" attitude on the part of the bulk of Americans. Most of the "conflicts" in Israel regarding the "gender separation" sought by the chareidim would go away with similar tolerance. The religious soldiers who asked to be excused from listening to women singing did not demand that the singing event be cancelled, and they were happy to do kitchen duty or guard duty instead of attending. But their officers and secularist politicians attempted to coerce them into attending to make a political point. The chareidim who were denounced for requesting bus lines with separate seating have now decided to finance their own independent small bus company without public funding, in whose busses they can sit in the manner they please. No one disturbed by those seating arrangements need use those private bus lines or minibuses.
And no one really needs to heed any of those signs on those few Israeli streets in chareidi neighborhoods that call upon people to behave in manners the chareidim consider "modest." I have walked through such neighborhoods with my wife dressed in pants and otherwise "immodest" secularist dress and with my daughter wearing her army uniform, and not a single resident said a single word to us about it. Even when my daughter was not carrying her gun. The Israeli media managed to uncover a tiny handful of cases in which local chareidi residents spoke disrespectfully to some women or girls. Well, I am a native Pennsylvanian and I have to tell you that I have seen a few Pennsylvania Dutch hotheads speak disrespectfully to other people. So what? Why is this news? The media rarely report cursing or disrespectful speech by radical secularists. The Israeli chareidi attitudes towards women and gender separation are actually not any more "pre-modern" or feminist-challenged than are those among Israeli Moslems, Druse, and some other non-Jewish minority populations. It was rather curious that Hillary and the rest of the Obama team did not denounce Israeli Moslems and Druse for also practicing gender separation in public spaces in the name of "modesty." Condemning non-Jews for gender segregation is just not politically correct. In a sense, Hillary was just following the lead of numerous Bash-Israel leftist feminist organizations. Radical feminists and their organizations have never been able to identify any mistreatment of women in Arab countries beyond the supposed "suffering" of those women due to Israeli "occupation." The feminists cannot conceive of a better way to promote the interests of Moslem women than annihilation of Israel and the accompanying genocide of Israel's Jewish population. Feminist groups have rarely spoken out against Arab anti-Israel terrorism, even though many of the victims of that terrorism are themselves women. Even most of the feminist groups operating inside Israel are radically pro-"Palestinian," pro-terror, anti-Israel, and some are fronts for the Israeli communist party. They do not seem to feel uncomfortable in the role of streetwalkers on behalf of Islamofascism. The treatment of women in Arab and Moslem countries is so atrocious that space here would not allow for even a superficial survey. In the very same week that Iran announced that a woman convicted of adultery would be mercifully hanged to death instead of stoned to death, the Obama team could find nothing more deserving of condemnation than the treatment of women in the only country in the Middle East in which women are treated as humans deserving of equal rights. (See also http://frontpagemag.com/2011/12/30/israel-stands-up-to-gender-extremists/)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
12/28/2011 03:40:00 PM
Professor Ze'ev Maoz (University of California and the Herzliya IDC) endorses the Calls for The Complete Shutting Down of the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University; Insists it is a bunch of substandard pseudo-academics By Steven Plaut I must tell you that I am not generally a fan of Prof. Ze'ev Maoz. He is a leftist and his written some obnoxious anti-Israel articles and expressed some anti-Israel opinions (here is one: http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/morality-is-not-on-our-side-1.193739 I will cite some others below). He is currently on the faculty of the University of California at Davis and teaches at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center. He used to be a professor at Tel Aviv University and at the University of Haifa. But the fact that he is left of center makes what he has published today even more important and newsworthy. Maoz has an Op-Ed in Haaretz today endorsing the calls for the shutting down of the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University! As you know, a recent international panel appointed by Israel's Council on Higher Education denounced the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University for being a radical anti-Israel indoctrination center and a Bash-Israel propaganda operation, with no serious academic credentials and standards, an "unbalanced" (meaning anti-Israel) group of pseudo-scholars. The panel proposed shutting the department down altogether. Israel's radical anti-Israel tenured Left and their foreign Bash-Israel amen chorus raced to defend the department, while a rising chorus of pro-Israel voices have echoed the call of the international panel. Well, Prof. Maoz has chimed in on the controversy and he has issued his own unambiguous call for closing the entire department of politics at Ben Gurion University. You can see Maoz' Op-Ed (in Hebrew) here: http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/1.1602889 . Haaretz is not running the piece in English (we wonder why) but I will sum it up for you here. His Op-Ed is entitled, "Yes, Shut it Down!" He begins by proclaiming that he is a proud member of the Israeli Left. He then goes on to tell how the tenured Left has been lobbying him to oppose the recommendations of the panel, and asking him to recruit international support behind the Department of Politics at BGU in the name of "academic freedom." He then reveals that he himself had been recruited nine years ago by the Council on Higher Education to evaluate the very same department at BGU. At the time he proposed shutting down the entire department for essentially the same reasons as those in the new panel report. He claims his reasons were entirely academic, not political, just as the current panel's recommendations are academic. Back then, Maoz found that there are no serious academic standards in place in that department. Most of the faculty members have no serious credentials in political science. He says that not only was the Council on Higher Education not conducting a witch-hunt against the Politics department at BGU, but it even refused to implement Maoz' own recommendations, treated the department with permissive (his word) kid gloves, allowed it to go on functioning and even to develop new programs for students, and refused to apply the same rigorous standards to the department of Neve Gordon and David Newman that it was applying to all other departments across the board. He concludes that the Department of Politics at BGU is an academic disgrace and the petitions of support for it are motivated by the most dubious of motives. Translation: those petitions consist of anti-Israel extremists seeking to defend other anti-Israel pseudo-academic extremists from criticism and accountability. Here are some previous items I posted about Ze'ev Maoz, to convince you that he is no raving Right-winger:
Ze'ev Maoz, Tel Aviv University http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/742257.html "There's practically a holy consensus right now that the war in the North is a just war and that morality is on our side. The bitter truth must be said: this holy consensus is based on short-range selective memory, an introverted worldview, and double standards. This war is not a just war. Israel is using excessive force without distinguishing between civilian population and enemy, whose sole purpose is extortion. That is not to say that morality and justice are on Hezbollah's side. Most certainly not. But the fact that Hezbollah "started it" when it kidnapped soldiers from across an international border does not even begin to tilt the scales of justice toward our side." Some more pearls from the mouth of Ze'ev Maoz: In October, 1996 he said: "chance of army coup now possible." And in August 1996: "If the political deadlock continues for a long time, and Syria reaches the conclusion that there is no solution in the political option, it may reconsider the military option as a viable one," he [Ze'ev Maoz] wrote. In March 2002 he was interviewed saying: "Any initiative that comes from the Arab world makes me considerably more optimistic," says Ze'ev Maoz, an Israeli political scientist, "because it has the potential ... to lower the psychological barriers that many Israelis have in terms of making concessions for peace." At the same article it said: "Tel Aviv University professor Maoz says Israeli supporters of a negotiated solution are "regrouping because they are starting to realize that a policy of applying force just for the sake of applying force, without any sort of political vision, doesn't lead anywhere." Further reading on Ze'ev Maoz: http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/4768/edition_id/87/format/html/displaystory.html c http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/4316/edition_id/78/format/html/displaystory.html http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0308/p06s01-wome.html http://www.freeman.org/m_online/sep96/basch.htm (half way down the page)
Monday, December 26, 2011
12/26/2011 11:51:00 AM
The latest cause of Israel's tenured radicals is censorship. They are all in FAVOR of it! Hundreds of Israeli academics are issuing calls and signing petitions demanding that a book containing unfashionable comments about homosexuality be censored and barred from any use in academic institutions. Not a single one of these tenured sheep ever condemned the "book" by Tel Aviv University's Shlomo Sand that claimed that there is no such thing as a Jewish people and that today's Jews are merely descendents from converted Khazars and Berbers, having no rights at all to self-determination and statehood. Not a single participant in the campaign for censorship this week ever offered the opinion that Sand's book should be removed from library shelves and course syllabi. And not a single crusader for censorship this week thinks that minority dissenting opinions about homosexuality have the right to be aired in classrooms and textbooks. The ruckus this week over homosexuality involves a standard Hebrew textbook in psychiatry entitled, "Prakim nivharim b'psichiatria" ("Select Chapters in Psychiatry") the most recent edition of was published in 2010. It expresses some unfashionable and "politically incorrect" opinions about homosexuality. It describes homosexuality as a disorder, insisting it is curable, and endorses "conversion therapy," which is vehemently opposed by homosexual militant organizations. The chapter that today's censors are upset over was written by Prof. Shmuel Tiano, former director of the Geha Psychiatric Hospital in Petah Tikva. You can see the Haaretz report on the ruckus in English here: http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/israeli-textbook-slammed-for-calling-homosexuality-a-disorder-1.403572 A number of homosexual activist academics started a campaign against the book, and the chat lists of Israeli faculty are filled with calls for suppression of the book and censorship of "incorrect" ideas about homosexuality. The book contains "incorrect information," insist the censors. Suppose that it does. But so does the book by Shlomo Sand. Since when does the fact that a book contains incorrect information entitle the leftist thought police to suppress and censor it? The tenured censors insist that students be prevented from hearing the opinion that homosexuality is a disorder, and a treatable one at that. Their vehement insistence that homosexuality is NOT a disorder might be more easily marketable if these were not the very same people also insisting that "transgendered" people (transvestites and those who undergo genital mutilation) are ALSO "normal" people suffering from no disorders at all. Without getting into a whole debate here about homosexuality in general, let me just say that it is my opinion that by adding that "T" to the "LGB" to construct "LGBT," the politicized homosexual militant movement (which is almost always anti-Semitic and pro-terror, by the way) has also shot itself in its own foot and undercut any chances it ever had of persuading the general public of its case for legitimizing homosexuality. And by leading the jihad for censorship, Israel's own militant homosexuals, led by its tenured pinks, is showing its own fundamental hostility to freedom of speech, academic freedom, and democracy.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
12/25/2011 09:00:00 AM
http://www.americanthinker.com/2006/12/hannuka_among_the_hellenists_1.html(reprint) December 15, 2006 Hannuka Among the Hellenists By Steven Plaut Of all the Jewish holidays, the one that I think best captures the contemporary Jewish zeitgeist, the one that is the most relevant to the current (and, if certain trends are not reversed, the last?) chapter in Jewish history, is Hannuka. Hannuka is, of course, the story of Jewish national liberation. It is the story of the military victory of the few against the many, of the champions of Judaism against the pagan barbarians. But it is more than this. It is the saga of the heroic struggle of Jewish survivalists (those one would today label "Zionists") against the assimilationists and self-hating Hellenists of the second century BCE.
Hannuka is less a story about the battle against the Greeks than it is about the battle against the predominant assimilationist paradigm at the time among the Jews. It is about the battle against the anti-survivalists, those who hated themselves for being Jews, those who seek to be "progressive", "modern", and "in", through rejecting, abasing, disgracing and degrading themselves and their people. The Hellenists who fought the Hasmoneans were struggling against Jewish survival. Sound familiar? In the United States, the main movement of Hellenistic assimilationism has been the school of "Political Liberalism as Judaism", the pseudo-religion that holds that all of Judaism can be reduced to the pursuit of this week's liberal political fads. But the global avante garde of Jewish self-hatred these days is the Israeli Left.
The Israeli Left is the main manifestation today of Jewish anti-Semitism.
It not only promotes "plans" and policies designed to end Israel's existence, increasingly endorsing the one-state, bi-national Rwanda solution to the "problem" of Israeli national existence, but it also regularly attacks every symbol and concept of traditional Judaism.
You think I am exaggerating? Well just consider the Op-Ed a few years back in the Israeli anti-Zionist daily Haaretz, penned by one Yehiam Shorek, a "historian" who teaches at the Beit Berl College in Israel. Beit Berl is a college run by the kibbutz movement.
The "historian" Shorek devoted his Haaretz column to proving that the Maccabees were fascist and racist hooligans, bloodthirsty zealots, and downright Likudniks. His column was entitled "Bloodthirsty Zealots". His thesis was that Jews should stop celebrating Hannuka and the exploits of the Maccabees, and should instead feel sympathy for the poor occupied and mistreated Greeks and Hellenists.
His article was not a spoof.
The evil Maccabees were plotting to perpetrate population "transfer", wrote Shorek, that most evil of all crimes in the "minds" of Israel's fundamentalist Leftists. Population "transfer" is far worse than, say, mass murdering 2000 Jews after signing with them a series of peace accords, or turning the West Bank and Gaza over to barbarian fascists to allow them to carry out such mass murders. Shorek is a member of that same Fundamentalist Left that will not rest until all Jews have been expelled from the West Bank and Gaza in an act of ethnic cleansing, and until no Israeli armed forces are left behind to interfere with the terrorist activities of the "Palestinians."
Matityahu, the father of Judah Maccabee and his brothers, was a lunatic, wrote Shorek. He was a warmonger who dragged his country into an unnecessary "war of choice", one that was not a legitimate "war of self-defense". (Never mind that there is nothing at all in Judaism that says Jews should refrain from conquering their lands unless it is part of a war of self-defense.) The Maccabees were the aggressors, insisted Shorek. And they suppressed the free speech of those who supported the Greeks; how undemocratic of them!
Judah Maccabee was guilty of causing many families to lose their loved ones by leading people to war, wrote Shorek, instead of pursuing some sort of Hellenistic Oslo appeasement and capitulation, the sort the "enlightened Left" seeks today to impose upon Israel. All Judah Maccabee really wanted to do was to Occupy, Occupy, Occupy, insists Shorek. No better than the West Bank settlers today! And not only that, but Judah and his hooligans were Orthodox Jews, which every leftist knows must make them primitive and barbaric; you know, unlike the enlightened Marxist historians who live on nice kibbutzim or teach at the Beit Berl college.
Unfortunately, Shorek is hardly a lone phenomenon. Israel's anti-Jewish leftists have been launching similar jihads against every other symbol of Jewish valor. Masada was a cesspool of non-tolerant fanatics, according to them. The Bible is a backward document full of fabrications. Schools should stop teaching it altogether, they demand, and instead teach something really useful, like the works of Palestinian "poets". Archeology proves the Bible is nothing but lies and fantasy, they insist. One wag labeled such people Pentateuch Deniers (intended as a play on "Holocaust Deniers").
In Israel, the country's politics - particularly its cultural/educational elite and its chattering classes - are now largely dominated by those motivated by the desire for their country to commit national suicide. They scorn themselves, their own country and their own people, the same way that the Hellenized Jews did at the time of the Maccabees. Many endorse boycotts of Israel by anti-Semites abroad. Like the Hellenized Jews, they are convinced that traditionalist Jews are reactionary and primitive, and that the greatest national priority should be renunciation of Jewish peculiarity and the striving to assimilate amongst the cosmopolitan progressive "Greeks" of the world. They are ashamed of their Jewishness and convinced that the only path to peace is to renounce it. They insist that a Seleucid "narrative" should replace the Jews' own reactionary national one.
Israel's universities are by and large the Occupied Territories of these Hellenists. The Israeli media is to almost the same extent. Hellenists dominate much of the Israeli military and, somewhat incredibly, the intelligence services. (It is doubtful the country could have undergone the Oslo debacle had these intelligence services not operated as lap dogs for the Beilinized Israeli Left.)
Hellenists have attempted to rewrite the Israeli school curriculum, to teach Israeli Jewish children to despise themselves. Their message is that Jews must feel ashamed, because they are mean, selfish, evil and immoral people. Surely, there would be no anti-Semitism on the planet were not the Jews such racist and insensitive people.
Their aim is to convince the Jews that the only way they may become accepted in the world is to adapt to paganism, to stop seeking to exist as a separate national entity, to commit national suicide. Moreover, their campaign is aimed at challenging the moral existence of the Jews. They realize this is the weakest chink in the armor of the Jews. If Jews can be convinced that they are morally in the wrong, then no Maccabees will emerge. The aim of the Jewish Hellenists is the delegitimization of the Jews as a nation, discrediting the moral position of Jewish survivalism.
The message of the contemporary Hellenists is unambiguous: Those who wish to purify the Temple, who seek pure oil for the Temple lamp, who wish to evict the barbarians from Jerusalem, are the enemies of peace. The Maccabees must be arrested for incitement. The Jews must provide Antiochus with concessions and arms and funds and a Road Map. Under no circumstances should the Jews seek to defend themselves militarily against the Seleucids, for there is no military solution to the problem of Seleucid aggression. If the barbarians murder the Jews, it is because the Jews are evil, selfish people and because they have been too reluctant to abandon their primitive survivalism.
If the Israeli anti-Jewish Left has its way, the Post-Hasmonean, post-survivalist era will be upon us.
2. Ben Gurion University's leading "thinker" - comments on the true Maccabees: http://isracampus.org.il/third%20level%20pages/BGU%20-%20Lev%20Grinberg%20-%20real%20Maccabis.htm
Friday, December 23, 2011
12/23/2011 08:51:00 AM
University of London's Efraim Karsh Exposes Ben Gurion University's Pseudo-Academic anti-Israel Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities, David Newman Karsh in Hudson NY: "Betraying Ben-Gurion" Follow the Middle East Forum MEF Home | Research & Writings | Middle East Quarterly | MEF @ Facebook | MEF @ Twitter | Donate Please take a moment to visit and log in at the subscriber area, and submit your city & country location. We will use this information in future to invite you to any events that we organize in your area. Betraying Ben-Gurion by Efraim Karsh Hudson New York December 22, 2011 It is ironic that Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), Israel's only university bearing the name of the Jewish state's founding father, and established in the ancient desert he dreamt of reviving, has become a hotbed of anti-Israel propaganda at the expense of proper scholarly endeavor. So much so that an international committee of scholars, appointed by Israel's Council for Higher Education to evaluate political science and international relations programs in Israeli universities, recently recommended that BGU "consider closing the Department of Politics and Government" unless it abandoned its "strong emphasis on political activism," improved its research performance, and redressed the endemic weakness "in its core discipline of political science." In other words, they asked that the Department return to accurate scholarship rather than indoctrinate the students with libel. The same day the committee's recommendation was revealed, Professor David Newman -- who founded that department and bequeathed it such a problematic ethos, for which "achievement" he was presumably rewarded with a promotion to Deanship of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, from where he can shape other departments in a similar way -- penned an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post in which he compared Israel's present political culture to that of Nazi Germany. "I will no doubt be strongly criticized for compared making such a comparison," he wrote, but we would do well to paraphrase the famous words of Pastor Niemoller, writing in 1946 about Germany of the 1930s and 1940s: "When the government denied the sovereign rights of the Palestinians, I remained silent; I was not a Palestinian. When they discriminated against the Arab citizens of the country, I remained silent; I was not an Arab. When they expelled the hapless refugees, I remained at home; I was no longer a refugee. When they came for the human rights activists, I did not speak out; I was not an activist. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out." Even if every single charge in this paraphrase were true, Israel would still be light years apart from Nazi Germany. But one need not be a politics professor or faculty dean to see the delusion in these assertions. To begin with, which Israeli government has denied "the sovereign rights of the Palestinians"? That of David Ben-Gurion which accepted the 1947 partition resolution with alacrity? Or those headed by Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, and Benjamin Netanyahu, which explicitly endorsed the two-state solution? Has Newman perhaps mistaken Israel's founding father for Hajj Amin Husseini, leader of the Palestinian Arabs from the early 1920s to the 1940s, who tirelessly toiled to ethnically cleanse Palestine's Jewish community and destroy the nascent state of Israel? Or possibly for Husseini's successors, from Yasser Arafat, to Ahmad Yassin, to Mahmoud Abbas, whose commitment to Israel's destruction has been equally unwavering? There is no moral equivalence whatever between the Nazi persecution, exclusion, segregation, and eventually industrial slaughter of European Jewry, and Israel's treatment of its Arab population. Not only do the Arabs in Israel enjoy full equality before the law, but from the designation of Arabic as an official language, to the recognition of non-Jewish religious holidays as legal resting days for their respective communities, Arabs in Israel have enjoyed more prerogatives than ethnic minorities anywhere in the democratic world. To put it more bluntly, while six million Jews, three quarters of European Jewry, died at the hands of the Nazis in the six years that Hitler dominated Europe, Israel's Arab population has not only leapt tenfold during the Jewish state's 63 years of existence - from 156,000 in 1948 to 1.57 million in 2010 - but its rate of social and economic progress has often surpassed that of the Jewish sector, with the result that the gap between the two communities has steadily narrowed. It is precisely this exemplary, if by no means flawless, treatment of its Arab citizens that underlies their clear preference of Israeli citizenship to that of one in a prospective Palestinian state (a sentiment shared by most East Jerusalem Palestinians). This preference has also recently driven tens of thousands of African Muslims illegally to breach the Jewish state's border in search of employment, rather than to stay in Egypt, whose territory they have to cross on the way. The treatment of mass illegal immigration (hardly the hapless refugees presented by Newman) is a major problem confronting most democracies in the West these days, where there is an ongoing debate about what are the basic responsibilities of governments for their citizens' wellbeing and the right of nations to determine the identity of those entering their territory. Even more mind-boggling is Newman's equating Israel's attempt to prevent foreign funding of Israeli nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) involved in the international Israel de-legitimization campaign -- along the lines of the US Foreign Agents Legislation Act -- with repressing political opponents by the Nazi regime. What "human rights activists" have been unlawfully detained by the Israeli government, let alone rounded up and thrown into concentration camps? On what planet does the Ben-Gurion University faculty dean live? But Newman is not someone to be bothered by the facts. His is the standard "colonialist paradigm" prevalent among Israeli and Western academics, which views Zionism, and by extension the state of Israel, not as a legitimate expression of national self-determination but as "a colonizing and expansionist ideology and movement" (in the words of another BGU professor) - an offshoot of European imperialism at its most rapacious. And therein, no doubt, lies the problem with BGU's Politics and Government Department: the only Israeli department singled out by the international committee for the unprecedented recommendation of closure. For if its founder and long-time member, who continues to wield decisive influence over its direction, views Israel as a present-day reincarnation of Nazi Germany in several key respects, how conceivably can the department ensure the "sustained commitment to providing balance and an essential range of viewpoints and perspectives on the great issues of politics" required for its continued existence? Efraim Karsh is research professor of Middle East and Mediterranean Studies at King's College London, director of the Middle East Forum (Philadelphia) and author, most recently, of Palestine Betrayed. http://www.meforum.org/3136/ben-gurion-university Related Topics: Academia, Israel & Zionism | Efraim Karsh This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. You are subscribed to this list as eaengl@u.washington.edu. To edit your subscription options, or to unsubscribe, go to http://www.meforum.org/list_edit.php To subscribe to the MEF mailing lists, go to http://www.meforum.org/list_subscribe.php The Middle East Forum
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
12/21/2011 09:03:00 PM
Short Headlines in the Ongoing Saga of Israeli Apartheid 1. Abu Dawud was the guerilla pseudonym of Muhammed Dahud Udeh, the uber-terrorhoid who planned and organized the 1972 massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. He died last year, much too late and much too easily. His widow is still alive and waddling. She was allowed by Israel this past week, a bit foolishly, to enter the country from Syria in order to attend a funeral. She fainted after the funeral and was hospitalized in Ramallah by the "Palestinians." Before her medical team had a chance to kill her with their incompetence, she asked to be treated in Tel Aviv at the city's fanciest private hospital, Assuta. Israel agreed and she was. You and I are shouldering her costs.
2. This week three Jewish teenagers were arrested on suspicion of having attacked Arab teenagers and yelling at them "Arabs, get out." The police wanted them remanded and charged with racism, even though the mother of one of the Arabs who claims he was attacked insists that the background to the quarrel was not ethnic but just teenage hooliganism. When they were brought before the judge, he assigned to the Jewish teenagers the public defenders who were on duty that day. They were Arab lawyers. They defended the Jewish teenagers and in fact got them released. When asked how they felt about having successfully released Jewish teenagers accused of attacking Arab teenagers, the public defenders said Just Fine. (Story in Yediot Ahronot today.) So as you can see, Israeli apartheid is all alive and kicking.
3. You may recall that hundreds of Israel's tenured leftists signed petitions and organized caravans of solidarity to a small Galilee mosque that was vandalized a few months back, apparently by Jewish vandals. Well, today's headline is http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/150924 Police Silent on Synagogue Fire in Ramle A member of Ramle's Jewish community say police are trying to hide the rise of attacks on Jews in the city after a synagogue is "Torched"
Quick, guess how many of those same tenured leftists who signed the earlier petition or who made pilgrimages to the village in the Galilee with the vandalized mosque have signed petitions or spoken out about this new incident!
While you are computing your answer, here is a followup question: Baaa Baaa Tenured Sheep, have you any wool? Yassir, Yassir, two bags full. One for the mosque, sir, and one for the church, But none for the little shul that burned down the lane.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
12/20/2011 11:58:00 AM
The Jihad on behalf of Ben Gurion University's Tenured Extremists By Steven Plaut In Israel there are two schools of thought as to what a university should be. The first school of thought, a shrinking minority opinion on Israeli campuses, holds that universities should be centers of scholastic inquiry, research, scientific exploration and analysis, and teaching. The second school of thought, which is the growing majority position, holds that universities should be indoctrination centers in which radical leftist anti-Israel and sometimes Marxist ideology is drummed into students by tenured thought police. Under the second school of thought, faculty leftists bully students into toeing the ideological line and agreeing with the ideological positions of the lecturers, a bit like re-education camps in North Korea. Student grades often depend upon their endorsing and agreeing with the leftist anti-Israel positions of faculty members. Faculty members are hired and promoted in many departments based on their leftist ideological purity. Bashing Israel has become both a necessary and a sufficient condition for being hired in many university departments in Israel.
The comparative prevalence of the two schools of thought varies by disciplines. Natural sciences and engineering usually are dominated by the first school. Social sciences, humanities, education and law schools are dominated by the second. The political biases are well documented at the web site of Isracampus (www.isracampus.org.il ). The first school of thought is very strong at all four of Israel's liberal-arts universities (Tel Aviv University, Ben Gurion University, Hebrew University, University of Haifa), and is weaker at the science-engineering institutions (Technion and Weizmann) and at the nominally religious Bar-Ilan University. In many ways Ben Gurion University is the very worst offender. The most infamous of the "academic" units in Israel in which the second school of thought dominates is the department of political science at Ben Gurion University. There no Zionist or non-leftist is permitted to teach. The one single dissenting pro-Israel faculty member who once taught there was fired by the university for incorrect thinking. The department was largely erected by one David Newman, currently Dean of social sciences and humanities at Ben Gurion University, a geographer (and Jerusalem Post columnist) who believes that academic freedom means critics of the Left should be silenced and suppressed. In the politics department he built, far-leftist anti-Israel faculty members get evaluated for hiring and promotion by appointing evaluation committees consisting of other far-leftist anti-Israel extremists who then solicit evaluation letters from still other far-leftist anti-Israel radical academics from around the world. The results of these politicized and corrupt "evaluation procedures" of faculty members is visible to all. The conversion of the department of politics at Ben Gurion University into an anti-Israel indoctrination camp has by now become well known around the world and to everyone in Israel. Last year Israel's Council on Higher Education, which oversees and funds Israel's universities (and is composed of representatives of those same universities) appointed a special commission to investigate and evaluate the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University. That commission found what everyone already knew, that the department is a radical monolithic politicized incitement camp, not a serious academic department, one in which anti-Israel activism had replaced serious scholarship, and in which serious academic standards have been trashed. The commission proposed that the entire department be shut down unless radical reform and restructuring takes place, including complete de-politicization of and introduction of real pluralism into the department. Since that CHE report was issued, Israel's radical Left, led by its tenured Left, has been leading a campaign to defend the anti-Israel indoctrination camp calling itself the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University. They have been joined by the President of Ben Gurion University, Rivka Carmi, who sees nothing wrong with a university department engaged in anti-Israel agitation in which no pro-Israel person may teach. And they are also being championed by Haaretz, the radical anti-Israel leftist "newspaper," better thought of as a Palestinian newspaper published in Hebrew. These people insist that preserving the second school of thought in Israeli academia is the country's highest priority. Universities must continue to serve to indoctrinate students into correct leftist anti-Israel ideology. All attempts at interfering with this sacred mission must be resisted and defeated. Now the tenured Left in Israel is organizing petitions of like-minded radical tenured leftists in Israel and around the world to express their support and solidarity with the Ben Gurion University indoctrination camp. Here is the report in Haaretz about this: http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/academics-seek-to-keep-biased-ben-gurion-department-open-1.402450 . An actual examination of those signing the petitions shows that they are themselves radical Marxist and anti-Israel pseudo-academics. So naturally they identify with the sacred need to preserve and defend leftist pseudo-academic indoctrination at Ben Gurion University. While one could go through the lists of signers of the petition name by name to document their own anti-Israel far-leftist biases, it is sufficient to illustrate the point with one of the leading signers, Berkeley's Judith Butler. She is a notorious collaborator with anti-Semites and supporter of Israel annihilation. An analysis of the academic credentials and political bias of Butler appears here: http://frontpagemag.com/2010/03/09/collaborators-in-the-war-against-the-jews-judith-butler/ The full piece is reprinted here: Collaborators in the War against the Jews: Judith Butler Posted By Steven Plaut On March 9, 2010 Professor Judith Butler from Berkeley's Department of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature is not just your ordinary deconstructionist feminist anti-Semite. A self-proclaimed leading scholar in the pseudo-discipline of "Queer Studies," she is also one of the leading academic defenders of anti-Semitism, which she insists is not anti-Semitic at all. She has devoted much of her academic career to the struggle to see Israel eliminated. While often posturing as a free speech absolutist, she is also absolutely opposed to Israelis having any academic freedom and is a leader in the attempt to impose a world boycott against Israeli universities. Naturally, she has never come out in favor of an academic boycott of Syria, Libya, Iran, Cuba, or the Hamas. Hamas and Hezbollah may seek the extermination of every Jew on the planet and not just of Israel, but Butler still likes to wave her "Jewish roots" when she serves as an apologist for them. Butler is perhaps best remembered as one of the most strident attackers against Lawrence Summers, the ex-President of Harvard. She was horrified when Summers proclaimed: "Profoundly anti-Israel views are increasingly finding support in progressive intellectual communities. Serious and thoughtful people are advocating and taking actions that are anti-Semitic in their effect if not their intent (September 17, 2002)." Butler venomously denounced Summers for telling the truth, arguing that telling the truth threatens academic freedom: "Summers has struck a blow against academic freedom, in effect, if not in intent." Edward Alexander, who is also a professor of comparative literature, explains that Butler's hysterical attacks on Summers stemmed from something more than her girlish enthusiasm: "Butler had herself signed the divestment (against Israel) petition at its place of origin, Berkeley, where it had circulated in February 2001. She therefore found Summers' remarks not only wrong but personally 'hurtful' since they implicated Judith Butler herself in the newly resurgent campus anti-Semitism. Butler could hardly have failed to notice that the Berkeley divestment petition had supplied the impetus and inspiration for anti-Israel mob violence on her own campus on 24 April 2001, a few weeks after it had been circulated, and for more explicitly anti-Jewish mobs at San Francisco State University in May of the following year." Summers insists that people who oppose Israel's very existence are anti-Semitic. The fact that a second Jewish Holocaust would result from Israel's annihilation does not seem to matter to his attackers like Butler. She writes, "A challenge to the right of Israel to exist can be construed as a challenge to the existence of the Jewish people only if one believes that Israel alone keeps the Jewish people alive or that all Jews invest their sense of perpetuity in the state of Israel in its current or traditional forms." The fact that the very people calling for Israel to be annihilated are not calling for the elimination of any other country, not even a single one of the 22 fascist Arab states, cannot possibly have anything to do with anti-Semitism, she insists. Butler's proof that anti-Israel radicals are not really anti-Semites? It is that she manages to find some anti-Israel extremists among Israelis, the Israeli equivalents to Taliban John, Lord Haw-Haw, and Noam Chomsky. She writes, "Identifying Israel with Jewry obscures the existence of the small but important post-Zionist movement in Israel, including the philosophers Adi Ophir and Anat Biletzki, the sociologist Uri Ram, the professor of theatre Avraham Oz and the poet Yitzhak Laor. Are we to say that Israelis who are critical of Israeli policy are self-hating Jews, or insensitive to the ways in which criticism may fan the flames of anti-Semitism?" The proper answer to her question is often: yes. Butler recently showed up in the Middle East, to strut her support for the intifada. As a militant feminist, however, she was on a bizarre mission. In February, 2010, she spent her time in the West Bank shilling for the very same Palestinian Islamic terrorist groups who make a point out of torturing and murdering homosexuals and who insist that the place of women in Muslim society is somewhere out back and out of sight, barefoot and scarved. Like so many apologists for Islamofascism, the only "oppression" of Palestinian women Butler could find was their supposed mistreatment by the Zionist "occupiers." You know, the same ones who have a woman Chief Justice in their Supreme Court, who have more women doctors than men, and who have elected a woman as Prime Minister. Butler denounced Israel at length for its "mistreatment" of Arab women, and never mind that they are treated at least a thousand times better by Israel than they are inside any Arab regime. Meanwhile, Islamic religious figures in Egypt have been proclaiming that Muslims have the natural right to rape all Jewish women. Butler has yet to issue a response to that. To remove all doubt, Butler made it clear that she objects to Israel's presence not only in the West Bank, where she was doing her Terrorism Grand Tour. She also wants Israel removed from within Israel's pre-1967 borders. Butler has long supported a worldwide boycott of Israel, and not simply because Israel "occupies" the West Bank. She has made it clear that she demands that Israel allow millions of Arabs claiming to be Palestinian "refugees" to flood into Israel and convert it into yet another Palestinian Arab state. She wants this even after the creation of some Palestinian state. While in the West Bank, Butler went to visit a "theater" in the terrorist stronghold of Jenin. Theatrics is largely what Jenin is all about. During Israel's battle against terrorists there in April of 2002, the Bash-Israel Left invented fictional tales about Israel carrying out a "massacre," some even calling it a "genocide." As it turned out, after days of Jenin street-to-street gun battles, launched by the Palestinians intentionally in built-up urban areas, 23 Israeli soldiers were killed along with a few dozen terrorists. Less than 20 Palestinian civilians died in the intense urban firefight, largely because Israel foreswore reducing the town to rubble using artillery to spare civilian collateral damage. It sacrificed the lives of its own soldiers for that reason. And this was called "genocide." A propaganda film about the battle called "Jenin, Jenin" was later produced by Israeli Arab pro-terror director Mohammed Bakri, who himself publicly admitted that his film was a tissue of lies. Bakri is now being sued by some Israeli soldiers for libel. Butler explained to her terrorist hosts that she opposes the existence of a Jewish state even alongside some future Palestinian Arab state. Instead, she favors what she calls a bi-national state, something along the lines of Rwanda. She claims to be some sort of authority on Hannah Arendt and promotes her anti-Israel "bi-nationalism" by obsessively citing Arendt's ancient writings on bi-nationalism (at Berkeley Butler is officially the "Hannah Arendt Professor"). Of course, no one knows just what Arendt would have to say about the Arab-Israeli conflict in the twenty-first century. But one suspects that anyone like Arendt who spent so much time studying the totalitarian mindset would retch at the willingness of people like Butler to vouch and shill for Palestinian violence. Butler writes: "And if we have a bi-national state, it's expressing two nations. Only when bi-nationalism deconstructs the idea of a nation can we hope to think about what a state, what a polity might look like that would actually extend equality." Come to think of it, the genocidal consequences of bi-nationalism in Rwanda are pretty close to what Butler seems to have in mind for the Israeli Jews. Among the terrorists who hosted her in Jenin was Zakaria Zabeidi, a head of the genocidal "Al Aqsa" Brigades. Assaf Wohl, a columnist in Israel's leading daily Yediot Ahronot, dismissed Butler as a Jewish anti-Semite. According to Professor Edward Alexander, "Prior to the autumn of 2003, this University of California professor of rhetoric and comparative literature was, like many members of Berkeley's 'progressive' Jewish community with which she habitually identifies herself, somebody who defined her 'Jewishness' (not exactly Judaism) in opposition to the State of Israel. She was mainly a signer of petitions harshly critical of the Jewish state, full of mean spite towards its alleged 'apartheid' and 'bantustan' practices, oily sycophancy towards such Palestinian figures as Sari Nusseibeh, and a habit of covering over the brutality of Arab terror with the soft snow of Latinized euphemisms. She was one of the 3700 American Jews opposed to 'occupation' (Israeli, not Syrian or Chinese or any other) who signed an 'Open Letter' urging the American government to cut financial aid to Israel; later she expressed misgiving about signing that particular petition–it 'was not nearly strong enough…it did not call for the end of Zionism.'" Butler, whose PhD is actually in philosophy, is a walking illustration of the very worst things wrong with the humanities. She is a leading American proponent of "Queer Theory" (which is what she calls it.) You will never discover in "Queer Theory" any scientific hypotheses about what produces homosexuality. Instead, it serves as the umbrella term for politicized militant homosexuals seeking the annihilation of America, Israel, and capitalism. Whether such people seriously think that homosexuals are treated better in non-capitalist regimes and in the Islamic sections of the Third World is doubtful. Butler's favorite prefix is "post." She uses it more often than the Cliff-the-Mailman character on "Cheers." She proudly describes herself a "Post-Zionist," by which she means she is anti-Zionist. Butler likes to describe herself as a "poststructuralist," and sometimes also as a "Post-Marxist," which – as far as we can tell – seems to mean a Marxist. (The Marxist New Left Review is one of Butler's favorite venues.) She claims to reject "dialectics" as her political theology because it is too "phallogocentric," and that has upset some of the members of the academic Comintern. Like so many members of the tenured Left – her favorite methodology of analysis is the silly polysyllable. Her writings ooze "Deconstructionist" jive and are exercises in the worst forms of pseudo-academic NewSpeak. And that is when she is sticking to her actual "discipline," not pontificating about the Middle East, about which she has no expertise or training at all. "Deconstruction" is the nonsensical infantile "philosophy" that argues that words have no meaning, there are no facts nor truth, and the only thing we can really be absolutely certain about are that the US and capitalism and Israel are evil and must be eliminated. Language is the ultimate form of tyranny and source of control over us oppressed folks by those evil elites. There are no false narratives, just different subjectivities. Deconstructionism has become something of a pseudo-intellectual orthodoxy among certain of our academic colleagues, especially those in the academic professions that never quite found out where's the beef. Butler's "theories" about feminism include her argument that sexual relations are "performative," and are based on "regulatory discourse." The "system" attempts to impose "constructions of binary asymmetric gender." She has even devoted time to celebrating drag queens: "There is no original or primary gender a drag imitates, but gender is a kind of imitation for which there is no original." A fuller collection of some of her bizarre pronouncements can be read here. She insists, "Masculine and feminine roles are not biologically fixed but socially constructed," which seems to prove that she never took any biology courses back at Yale. A typical Butler bloviation is this: "Performativity cannot be understood outside of a process of iterability, a regularized and constrained repetition of norms. And this repetition is not performed by a subject; this repetition is what enables a subject and constitutes the temporal condition for the subject. This iterability implies that 'performance' is not a singular 'act' or event, but a ritualized production, a ritual reiterated under and through constraint, under and through the force of prohibition and taboo, with the threat of ostracism and even death controlling and compelling the shape of the production, but not, I will insist, determining it fully in advance." (From Butler, Judith 1993; Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex". New York: Routledge. pp. 95. ) It is almost impossible to read a sentence by Butler without reacting with a loud "Huh?" So much of it sounds like a parody of an academic being concocted by "The Onion" or "National Lampoon." In 1998 she won first-prize in the Bad Writing Contest sponsored by the academic journal Philosophy and Literature. She won for this sentence: "The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power." So much of what Butler writes is so mindless and filled with so many grammatical flaws that one wonders how her text survives a word processing program. Butler's take on the 9-11 attacks on America was that "the violent acts of 9/11 is (sic) exacerbated by the inability of Americans to recognize the precariousness of non-American (particularly Muslim) lives. They are always already dead, and therefore cannot be killed." Huh? She insists that the West is guilty of this: "These excluded are brutally subjected to the "violence of derealization." Huh? She "claims that the War on Terror has provided a climate where the sexual freedoms she and others fought for are now misused to symbolize (sic) the shining, gleaming modernity of the West. The backwardness and inferiority of 'others' is counterposed (sic) and underscored against this." Huh? In an interview she explains how her feminism differs from that of some of the others, like Catharine MacKinnon or Andrea Dworkin: "I'm not always calling into question who's a man and who's not, and am I a man? Maybe I'm a man [laughs]." She is not one of those folks in favor of homosexual marriage, by the way. In fact she is opposed to marriage: "It's very hard to speak freely right now, but many gay people are uncomfortable with all this, because they feel their sense of an alternative movement is dying. Sexual politics was supposed to be about finding alternatives to marriage." Butler was one of the noisiest people denouncing the Campus-Watch website for daring to criticize anti-Israel radical Middle East Studies faculty members. Naturally, Butler thinks that critics of anti-Israel radicals are not entitled to freedom of speech and that their criticism is "McCarthyism." While she likes to beat on her drum about supposedly growing up in a Jewish home, there is no evidence that she knows the slightest thing about Judaism. She claims her "Jewish values" are what drive her to embrace Palestinian anti-Semites and barbarians. Here she sums up her own knowledge of Judaism: "As a Jew, I was taught that it was ethically imperative to speak up and to speak out against arbitrary state violence." There is no such Jewish ethical imperative. She clarifies: "There were those who would and could speak out against state racism and state violence, and it was imperative that we be able to speak out. Not just for Jews, but for any number of people." Needless to say, the only "state violence" she feels obliged to denounce is that supposedly practiced by Israel when it defends its civilians. She is not exactly outspoken when it comes to the state violence practiced by Iran or Syria. As part of Butler's campaign on behalf of Palestinian terrorism, she likes to wave about the fact that she herself grew up as a "Reform" Jew. There are very few things wrong with the world that she does not attribute to the unforgivable desire by Jews for self-determination. Her attitude towards the Jewish homeland was summed up by her thus: "The argument that all Jews have a heartfelt investment in the state of Israel is untrue. Some have a heartfelt investment in corned beef sandwiches." When it comes to academic streetwalking on behalf of anti-Semitism and Palestinian violence, that old adage is true: the Butler did it.
Monday, December 19, 2011
12/19/2011 05:35:00 PM
1. Send some condolences! Isracampus Invites you to send Condolences As you no doubt have heard, Kim Jong II, the goosestepping Stalinist brat who had been running the North Korean gulag in recent years, just croaked. Isracampus would like to invite you to send an e-note of condolence to Noam Chomsky; his email address is chomsky@MIT.edu Then, please send similar letters of condolence to Israel's own leading hardcore communists and Stalinists. These include TAU "historian" Shlomo Sand: shlomosa@post.tau.ac.il; his sidekicks Gadi Algazi at gadi.algazi@gmail.com and Yoav Peled at pol1@post.tau.ac.il; Oded Lowenheim, who teaches international relations at the Hebrew University, at oded.lowenheim@huji.ac.il; Jacob Katriel, retired Technion Stalinist, at jkatriel@techunix.technion.ac.il; Eyal Nir from Ben Gurion University, an active communist party member, at eyalnir@bgu.ac.il; Ofer Cassif, central committee member, at ofercass@mta.ac.il; and Yuri Pines from the Hebrew University, at pinesy@mscc.huji.ac.il (if you do not think he is a Stalinist, se his web page at http://www.eacenter.huji.ac.il/Pines).
PS. As you know, the suffix to web addresses for Israel always end in .IL. Well, it occurred to me that there are so many communists at Tel Aviv University that perhaps it should use as its web address www.Kim.Jong.IL
2. Many on the American Right are pouring out tears at the passing of Christopher Hitchens. I am one who thinks he was an evil little bigot. A long-time far-leftist he moved well to the right on many things. But at the same time he developed from a radical atheist into a gutter hater of Judaism and Jews, a hater of Israel, and even a chummy associate of Holocaust Deniers. (There is some debate as to whether he himself was one.) You can see more about him here: http://www.jewishideasdaily.com/content/module/2010/12/13/main-feature/1/christopher-hitchenss-jewish-problem See also http://www.aoiusa.org/blog/2011/02/the-hidden-anti-semitism-of-christopher-hitchens-and-the-new-atheists/ 3. Israel's worst academic bimbo: http://isracampus.org.il/third%20level%20pages/Editorial%20-%20Lee%20Kaplan%20-%20Haifa%20U%20-%20Dalit%20Baum%20-%20BDS%20and%20lies%20of%20omission.htm
4. Another great scholar from Tel Aviv University: http://isracampus.org.il/third%20level%20pages/TAU%20-%20Chen%20Misgav%20-%20figure%20in%20Queer%20Geography.htm
And yet another one: http://isracampus.org.il/third%20level%20pages/TAU%20-%20Aeyal%20Gross%20-%20pinkwashing%20claims%20basis%20for%20NYT%20Israel-bashing.htm
Sunday, December 18, 2011
12/18/2011 10:24:00 PM
1. David Mizrachi has had a tragic life, and then to top it all off he fell victim to Israel's politicized dual judicial system. Mizrachi lives in Kiryat Arba, the Jewish town on the outskirts of Hebron. Five years ago, Mizrachi's daughter, who was the mother of small children, was mortally injured by a bullet that was accidentally fired from a weapon. For several weeks she hung on to life, as Mizrachi nursed her, but in the end died from the injury. Two years later Mizrachi's own son, who had been born to him when Mizrachi was quite advanced in age, died in a traffic accident. The cave of Mahpela in Hebron, not far from his home, is where another Jew is buried who gave birth to a son only at an advanced age. After both tragedies, Mizrachi and his wife set up a shop inside a gas station at the entrance to Kiryat Arba. Two years ago, just a few months after they lost their son in the accident, Mizrachi was napping at home when the phone rang. He picked up the phone and heard hysterical screams from his wife that she was being attacked and stabbed. A "Palestinian" terrorist had entered the gas station and stabbed his wife in the neck. Mizrachi raced to the station, but did not see his wife, and feared for the worst, that she had been killed. He saw the terrorist who had attacked his wife, captured and in the custody of several soldiers. Mizrachi climbed into his car and drove straight at the terrorist, running him over and injuring his legs. The soldiers took the terrorist to the hospital and he recovered. Mizrachi's wife also was treated and recovered. Mizrachi had a nervous breakdown and was incapacitated, unable to continue to work or run the shop. Ah, but then in stepped the Israeli Attorney General's office and decided to prosecute Mizrachi for "attempted homicide." For running over the terrorist who had just stabbed his own wife. Let us bear in mind that there have been cases in which Arabs lynched Jewish killers after they were disarmed and the Arabs were never prosecuted for so much as jaywalking. The two most famous cases that come to mind are Baruch Goldstein, who was lynched and killed after being disarmed following his murderous attack against Arabs in the same Mahpela shrine, and Eden Natan-Zada, a mentally ill young Jew who killed several Arabs or Druse in Shfar'am and then was lynched by the mob. But Mizrachi's case was different. Arabs attacking Jews in Israel are like dogs biting mailmen and are of little interest to the Prosecution or to the leftist media. When a Jew attacks an Arab terrorist in Israel, he (or she) must be prosecuted. There was some internal debate among the prosecutors. Some wanted Mizrachi charged with attempted homicide, but he was eventually formally charged "only" with causing grievous bodily injury. Still others wanted his emotional state and breakdown taken into account so he would not be indicted at all. His wife begged in court that he not be sent to prison, lest it destroy what was left of the man. The prosecution demanded that he serve a full year of hard prison time. One of the judges on the panel of three denounced the prosecution for indicting Mizrachi at all. In the end Mizrachi was sentenced to three months in prison. Mizrachi should instead have been granted a medal and the Israel Prize, maybe even a Nobel Peace Prize. Terrorists should be executed. They should be lynched. They should be shot and have their carcasses dumped from choppers into the sea. They should be targeted by drones. When terrorists are attacked by civilians, especially when those civilians are themselves victims or relatives of victims of those terrorists, the "attackers" should have statues erected in their honor. If a terrorist stabbed a member of my family, I would drive my car in such a way that "causing injury" would never be a relevant count in my indictment. My car would NOT have run over the terrorist's LEGS. (Above based in part on news story in Besheva weekly newspaper) 2. In another matter of gross judicial stupidity and incompetence, many of you have perhaps heard of the verdict a few days back against Israeli writer Naomi Ragen. Let me say that, while I have never met Naomi face to face, I consider her a great writer, a great Israeli, and a great Jew. She may be best known for her fiction, but she also writes some of the best publicist articles coming out of Israel. I am not exactly the best judge of literary achievement, but she is generally regarded as one of the best English-language authors of fiction in Israel (her books have also been translated into Hebrew and probably other languages). Her books are often about women's roles in Judaism, and also rich in portrayals of traditional Judaism. Some of you may be on Naomi's email distribution list for her articles. She made aliyah from the US 40 years ago and lives in Jerusalem. Several years back Naomi was sued by one Sarah Shapiro, an ultra-Orthodox (charedit) woman writer in the US. Shapiro claimed that Ragen plagiarized material from an earlier book manuscript written by Shapira. The book by Ragen in question, in which the "plagiarism" allegedly appears, is something like 450 pages, out of which there were perhaps 3 or 4 sentences that closely resembled sentences that appeared in the earlier manuscript by Shapiro. The "plagiarized" sentences have appeared in the press so I suppose everyone can read them to make up his or her own mind about them. To me they look like 3 or 4 similar sentences out of a 450 page book. I imagine that if you went searching through all the publicist postings I have posted over the years you could probably find 3 or 4 sentences that closely resemble sentences in the Koran and conclude that I have been plagiarizing from the Koran. Shapiro hired a lawyer. She was later joined by a second plaintiff making similar charges. The wheels of judicial injustice spin slowly in Israel, and it took years, until last week, before the court reached a verdict. It found against Naomi. Of course this is the same court system that found damages in favor of anti-Semite Neve Gordon. The court has not yet ruled on how much "damages" it will order Ragen to pay. Accusations of "plagiarism" against well known people on the basis of similarities in phrases, sentences, or themes in writing are not uncommon. Among other people who have been accused of such "plagiarisms" have been Alan Dershowitz, whose "plagiarism" has long been a cause celebre of the radical Left (and for which he was long ago officially cleared by Harvard), writer Dan Brown, and other writers and songwriters. The ruling in the Ragen case came out the very same week in which a Dutch architect designing buildings in South Korea was accused of designing them as "plagiarized" representation of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center being destroyed by terrorists. The Ragen court case was complex and I do not pretend to know all of its details. Nevertheless it is my opinion that the court ruling against her was a gross injustice and the ruling judge was a fool. Ragen seems to believe that the entire suit was politically motivated by some chareidim who were offended by Ragen's own critical portrayal of chareidi life. Those plaintiffs then found a foolish or incompetent judge to side with them. Among the reasons for my skepticism about the motives of the plaintiffs is the fact that the plaintiffs filed criminal complaints with the police against Naomi's own husband after he sent them a newspaper clipping about how those who had sued author Dan Brown for "plagiarism" eventually suffered significant losses to their estates when the verdict clearing Brown was issued AFTER the plaintiffs had died, where the damages were deducted from the property they bequeathed. What is criminal about sending a newspaper news clipping? Naomi could use some words of encouragement, so – if you are of such a mind – you can send her some at nragen@netvision.net.il.
Friday, December 02, 2011
12/02/2011 03:08:00 PM
Israel's Mona Lisa Weapon By Steven Plaut She's unforgettable, she's a legend though... It's kinda incredible --- From "Mona Lisa" by Britney Spears Meet Israel's secret weapon against terrorism, code named "Mona Lisa." Not only is Mona Lisa an effective weapon against Arab anti-Israel terrorism and Islamofascism, but also is one of the most effective weapons in the Israeli arsenal against the guttersnipes screaming about imaginary "Israel Apartheid." Let us sit back and watch in amusement as Hitlerjugend from the "Boycott and Divest from Israel" movement and their fellow jihad travelers try to cope with our Mona. There are two critical things you need to know about this new secret weapon. The first is that Mona Lisa is the real name of an Israeli woman combat soldier. At her parents' suggestion - she writes it as a single word, Monalisa (Nat King Cole did the same!). The second thing you need to know is that she is an Arab. Monalisa Abdo is a nineteen year old combat soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces. She serves in one of Israel's elite anti-terror units. Moreover she wears the legendary red army boots that only Israel's most elite fighting units wear, the Israeli equivalents of the American SEALS and green berets. My own military experiences are timid in comparison with what soldiers do and no one would ever think of letting me even get near a pair of red combat boots. Monalisa grew up in Haifa. Most Israeli Arabs are not conscripted into the Israeli military, but they may volunteer to serve if they wish. Some do so out of patriotism and loyalty to the state, and some do so because of the career benefits and training that will help them later in the workplace. Monalisa is clearly among the former. Her story and an interview with her appear in the December 2, 2011 issue of Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper. She describes the nasty comments some Arabs made to her and her family members when she signed up. She dismisses them. And her parents are squarely behind her. "Israeli Arabs need to serve in the Israeli military," she insists in the interview, "to give to the country and not just take." Israel is our country and we need to serve it, she believes. And military service is beneficial for those who serve, she adds, teaching them discipline and responsibility. Monalisa's older sister Michelin, age 21, has also decided to enlist and will start her service in a few days. In the same unit as Mona. Monalisa not only asked to enlist in the Israeli Defense Forces but signed up for an elite combat unit named "Karkel," in which both men and women serve side by side on the front lines. Karkel is the name of a wild desert cat that lives in Israel's south. The unit is station in the Arava desert close to the border with Egypt. Hunting down terrorist infiltrators is its specialty. She describes her first day in uniform, when she was being outfitted with equipment and fatigues. The orderlies gave her the ordinary black combat boots that non-elite soldiers wear. "You gave me the wrong boots," she insisted, "I demand the red combat boots." And she got them. She says that when she first put them on, she felt like a super-model. And while old men like myself are not supposed to notice such things in 19 year olds, from her photo it is clear she really could pass for a model if she decided to pursue that instead of military service. Since starting her tour of duty, she has taken the non-commissioned officer training course and is already a NCO. When asked in the interview how she gets along with the Jewish women soldiers, she says just great. "There are no differences among us, we support and help one another." And about her name. Where did it come from? "My father wanted me to always walk with pride with my head erect, and it had just that effect upon me," she explains. Come to think of it, maybe we have here the most effect countermeasure yet against the Western campus bashers of Israel, the anti-Semitic professors, and the jihadi wannabes holding their anti-Israel protests and whining about Israeli "apartheid." In reality, Israel is of course the only Middle East state that is NOT an apartheid regime. Maybe Israel should let loose Monalisa, Michelin, and the rest of the red-booted fighting tigresses and invite them to apply those boots to some anti-Israel protester posteriors with extreme prejudice!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
11/30/2011 06:40:00 PM
You just might be an "Occupier" (from this week's Jewish Press, NY, Dec 2 issue) By Steven Plaut Many of us are scratching our heads, and in some cases other parts of our anatomy, trying to make sense of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and its sundry clones around the US and now around the world. Just what do these urchins really want? What do they think and believe? Well, we thought we would recruit Jeff Foxworthy to try to assist us. Most of you probably are familiar with the great American comedian from the Deep South. He is best known for his comedy shticks based on the refrain, "Then you just might be a redneck." For example, if you have 24 pickup trucks and none of them work, then you just might be a redneck. That sort of thing. Well, it occurs to us that Jeff Foxworthy could really clean up if he altered his shtick slightly to comment on those "who just might be Wall Street Occupiers." Here we go: 1. If you dismiss anything you dislike as "neo-liberalism," then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. Never be tricked into attempting to define that nonsense term. 2. If you refuse to recognize the fact that every idea of Marx's was debunked over 160 years ago, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 3. If you wear Nike shoes, designer jeans, and carry your smart phone to the demonstrations against capitalism, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 4. If you think that REAL communism could really work but it just has never been tried or tested, you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 5. If you pretend that you have never heard that communism produces starvation and cannibalism, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 6. If you pretend you think the United States controls an empire, even though you cannot think of any colonies it owns, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 7. If you think other people must always be required to relinquish their material things so that you may pursue social justice and feel idealistic and righteous, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 8. If you consider your own property to be sacred, while other people's property should be used for social engineering and doing good, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 9. If you think it is the main purpose of universities to indoctrinate students in leftwing ideology, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 10. If you think shooting terrorists constitutes "war crimes," then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 11. If you favor academic departments in which only enlightened leftist opinion may be expressed and where there is no room for non-leftist dissenting opinion to be heard, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 12. If you believe that the only legitimate way for Israel to defend its citizens against terrorism is to capitulate to the demands of the terrorists, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 13. If you believe that eating meat is murder, while partial birth abortion is not, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 14. If you use the term Islamophobia often, but never use the term Islamofascism, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 15. If you believe that everything wrong with the world is because of the United States, and that anything left over that is wrong with the world is the fault of the Jews, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 16. If you think there is nothing useful to be learned from the fact that Cuba used to be the richest country in Latin America and today is the poorest country in Latin America, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 17. If you are not aware of the fact that Cubans steal boats to sneak into the US but no low-income Americans steal boats to sneak into Cuba, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 18. If you think there is nothing we can learn from comparing the histories of East Germany with West Germany before the unification, or North Korean with South Korea, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 19. If you think that all arguments may be settled by telling a non-leftist that he reminds you of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 20. If you claim that the fact that are proportionately more blacks in prison than whites proves that the courts and police are racist, but the fact that there are many more males in prison than females is because males commit more crimes, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 21. If you support proposals that make real problems of the world worse, just as long as advocating them makes you feel caring and righteous, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier.. 22. If you think Israel is an apartheid regime, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 23. If you prefer that poor people in the Third World starve rather than that they should embrace capitalism and live like you do, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 24. If you believe that acts of violence against Jews or Americans are never terrorism but rather resistance, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 25. If you think the US itself caused the 9-11 attacks on itself because of American insensitivity and racism, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 26. If you believe that terrorism is caused by poverty, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 27. If you believe that SUVs threaten life on earth, and - more generally - that the planet is in imminent danger of destruction unless everyone does what you want them to do, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 28. If you assert passionately that Marxists care about people, while Conservatives hate all people and small animals and are not as smart as leftists, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 29. If you believe that, if one country is rich and another poor, it must be because the rich one stole wealth away from the poor one, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 30. If you demand social justice but have no idea how to define what it means or explain how to achieve it, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier. 31. If you do not think you need to get a job first before you vecome a leader of the working class, then you just might be a Wall Street Occupier.
11/30/2011 03:38:00 PM
 Shalom, Allow us to introduce ourselves..... Creative Community for Peace is a non-profit organization headed up by a cross section of the creative world - those who create and help create music, movies, and television programs - and their fans. We may not all share the same politics or the same opinion on the best path to peace in the Middle East. But we do agree that singling out Israel, the only democracy in the region, as a target of cultural boycotts while ignoring the now-recognized human rights issues of her neighbors will not further peace. We understand the power that our music, our films, our television shows, and all arts have. They have the power to build bridges. Foster better understanding. Encourage dialogue. And hopefully lead toward greater mutual acceptance. If anything, turn up the music, expose more of our films and television shows to wider audiences, and encourage people from all cultures to interact and build greater dialogue and understanding. We are reaching out to those who support the message that the arts can build bridges—please join us in this important mission. The world might just be a better place for it. Action Creative Community for Peace informs artists and their representation to help them make a positive decision to play in Israel in the face of threats and disinformation they often face from activists who seek to boycott Israel. Through interpersonal relationship outreach and a sophisticated website developed to support our message and to counter the arguments of the boycott movement. We have just launched a social media effort to engage with the vast majority of true fans, via social media, who support this aim. While artists are in Israel, we help arrange their itinerary so they are able to experience the wonder and diversity of Israel's land and her people. We monitor boycott activity in an attempt to shine a light on how divisive, one-sided and contrary to peace and peaceful intentions these campaigns are. We continue to encourage artists to play in Israel both in a personal capacity and as a movement of fans. By doing so, they join a host of top artists who have recently played in Israel, including Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Madonna, Linkin Park, Paul McCartney, The Black Eyed Peas, Bob Dylan and many, many more. Links Website: www.CreativeCommunityForPeace.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/CreativeCommunityForPeace Email: info@creativecommunityforpeace.com -- Ronny Hatchwell Israel Coordinator Creative Community For Peace
-- Ronny Hatchwell Israel Coordinator Creative Community For Peace